"What makes you think I've hurt anyone?" *if vi_myrtal =70 "Well, you are interrogating me," she has a point... "Say, you're not going to kill me are you?" "I'm still deciding on that part." "Oh. Well if you don't kill me, do you think we could be friends?" *if vi_myrtal =60 She bites her lip, "I'm sorry, that was a bit personal, wasn't it..." Is it? I thought the people over here were more open with each other but that's something that even people back where I came from talked about. Maybe these Americans were more private that I previously judged. "So, you're not going to kill me, right?" "Wasn't really planning on it at this point." "Oh, that's nice. Do you think we can be friends?" *choice #Sure *set vi_myrtal_rom +10 *set vi_friend true *set virelationship "Strange Friendship" "That's nice. Cause I like you a lot." "That's nice." "Yeah. Hey, do you have a girlfriend?" "What's a girlfriend?" "I...don't know, actually. I think it's someone that you love a whole lot, and is a girl. It's a boyfriend if the person you love is a guy." *if daniel_decker_rom =10 "I guess I love my guardian. Does that make him my boyfriend?" "I don't think it's that kind of love. It's more...kissy love." "I've kissed many people." "Really?" "Yes, in my line of work CPR is an essential skill. Though it's been awhile since I've kissed anyone since they stopped teaching that method." "Oh. I think it's a different kind of kissing." "I don't know what you're talking about then." "That's ok. Neither do I." *page_break Next *goto_scene 1-3wander-7 *if daniel_decker_rom !=10 "I don't have anyone like that." "Oh, that's good...or bad for you, I suppose, but good because we have something in common. Friends are supposed to have stuff in common. I don't have a girlfriend or a boyfriend either." "Is this because you don't get along with people?" "Probably." "I see. You appear to be an expert at being unliked, can you tell me if they will not-like me?" "I don't know, they're really weird a lot of the time. I think we're pretty similar so they may not like you because of that, but then again there are some weird people that they like just fine for some reason; I never got why they have free pases." "I see. So you have no actionable information?" "No. I'm really sorry." *page_break Next *goto_scene 1-3wander-7 #I'll think about it *set virelationship "Complicated" "Oh. I'll just wait until you're done thinking then." She waited for a few seconds, "Are you done?" "Still thinking." "Oh. When do you think you'll be done?" "I'll let you know." "Thanks," she sat staring at me while I considered the pros and cons of being friends with this individual. On one hand, *if vi_myrtal =70 I am still suspicious she may secretly be an assassin. *if vi_myrtal =60 she appears to be the type of person that would alienate me from my fellow students. On the other hand, as an outsider looking in she would likely have an unbiased viewpoint of all the different factions within the student body, and also have a great understanding of the school system. Plus, I believe the social training videos Daniel showed me stressed the importance of gaining as many friends as possible. *choice #I will be your friend *set vi_myrtal_rom +10 *set vi_friend true *set virelationship "Strange Friendship" "That's nice. Cause I like you a lot." "That's nice." "Yeah. Hey, do you have a girlfriend?" "What's a girlfriend?" "I...don't know, actually. I think it's someone that you love a whole lot, and is a girl. It's a boyfriend if the person you love is a guy." *if daniel_decker_rom =10 "I guess I love my guardian. Does that make him my boyfriend?" "I don't think it's that kind of love. It's more...kissy love." "I've kissed many people." "Really?" "Yes, in my line of work CPR is an essential skill. Though it's been awhile since I've kissed anyone since they stopped teaching that method." "Oh. I think it's a different kind of kissing." "I don't know what you're talking about then." "That's ok. Neither do I." *page_break Next *goto_scene 1-3wander-7 *if daniel_decker_rom !=10 "I don't have anyone like that." "Oh, that's good...or bad for you, I suppose, but good because we have something in common. Friends are supposed to have stuff in common. I don't have a girlfriend or a boyfriend either." "Is this because you don't get along with people?" "Probably." "I see. You appear to be an expert at being unliked, can you tell me if they will not like me?" "I don't know, they're really weird a lot of the time. I think we're pretty similar so they may not like you because of that, but then again there are some weird people that they like just fine for some reason; I never got why they have free pases." "I see. So you have no actionable information?" "No. I'm really sorry." *page_break Next *goto_scene 1-3wander-7 #I will not be your friend *set vi_myrtal +5 *set vi_stalker true *set virelationship "One-Sided Obsession" "Oh. I came on too strong didn't I?" "I'm just not a friendly sort of person." "That's ok, neither am I. So I guess we can just be not-friends together." "If that is what you want to do. I would honestly prefer if you retain a distance from me if at all possible." "Ok, I'll be sure to only watch you from a distance." "I'd prefer if you did not watch me at all." "Oh. I don't know if I can do that..." "Should I kill you to make it easier to keep a distance?" "No, I feel like that'd be a pretty stupid reason to die. I don't want to go to God and say I died because I wanted to watch someone who didn't want to be watched. He might laugh at me and I don't like being laughed at." "Does that mean you won't follow me?" "Umm," she raised a finger to her lip and looked up in contemplation, "Can I think about it?" "Sure." *page_break Next *goto_scene 1-3wander-7 #I will tell you later *set vi_think true *set virelationship "Complicated" "Ok. I guess I'll just have to be patient." "I will try not to make you wait for too long, if at all possible." "It's ok, you can take your time. I don't want you to feel pressured." "I adapt well to pressure." "Oh. In that case, I guess it would be better if I pressured you." "No, that might have unpleasing consequences for you." "Would you put your hand over my mouth again?" "No, I would probably end up crippling or killing you." "Oh. Well, I guess I shouldn't pressure you then." *page_break Next *goto_scene 1-3wander-7 #No *set vi_stalker true *set vi_myrtal +5 *set virelationship "One-Sided Obsession" "Oh. I came on too strong didn't I?" "I'm not a friendly sort of person." "That's ok, neither am I. So I guess we can just be not-friends together." "If that is what you want to do. I would honestly prefer if you retain a distance from me if at all possible." "Ok, I'll be sure to only watch you from a distance." "I'd prefer if you did not watch me at all." "Oh. I don't know if I can do that..." "Should I kill you to make it easier to keep a distance?" "No, I feel like that'd be a pretty stupid reason to die. I don't want to go to God and say I died because I wanted to watch someone who didn't want to be watched. He might laugh at me and I don't like being laughed at." "Does that mean you won't follow me?" "Umm," she raised a finger to her lip and looked up in contemplation, "Can I think about it?" "Sure." *page_break Next *goto_scene 1-3wander-7