From inside the building, all I'd be able to see is corridors and rooms. While that would be useful in it's own way, it would be more beneficial for reconnaissance purposes to get a general overview of the layout of the building for later today when I go in. For that, looking from the outside is more convenient for my purposes. Unfortunately, there are no elevated positions around the school; the school is, for the most part, isolated by the parking lot surrounding it. There's a single story but it makes up for it's lack in vertical size with horizontal. There are multiple cameras surrounding the building, leaving for few blindspots; they haven't covered every approach, but it would be difficult for anyone without my kind of training or moving in a group to be able to go in or out without being spotted. Due to the lack of elevated positions, observing from a distance won't be possible. Instead... *choice #I'll have to climb onto the building itself *goto_scene 1-3wander-3 #I'll have to settle for sneaking inside after all It's not the ideal course but some information is better than no information at all. *goto_scene 1-3breakin-1