"Given the circumstances, your legal guardian and I felt that you didn't need any form of physical education, and that placing you in a physically exerting environment could cause potential...episodes," he said, unsubtly referring to potential PTSD breakdowns. I'll admit those have been problems in the past, not so much for me but for anyone who was nearby me at the time, so I can see why they would want to avoid that altogether. Looking at the classes, it seems avoiding anything remotely similar to my past was the philosophy they used for deciding all my classes. "Now, you're supposedly fourteen, correct?" "As far as anyone can tell," I respond. Nobody knows my real age, not even me. Only one person was there when I was born, and she's dead. Nobody knows how long I was scavenging war-torn battlefields before someone found me and taught me how to create war-torn battlefields instead. Fourteen was the best they could guess based on my appearance. "Right, so you'll be starting as a Freshmen. That should put you on relatively the same footing as everyone else; they're all new here, too!" He said, laughing awkwardly. By this point, *if (daniel_warden =false) I was just glad to finally be moving on with my day. *goto_scene 1-3principal-5 *if (daniel_warden =true) *choice #I was convinced this man was too stupid to be planning an ambush *set reflex -1 *set explosives -1 *goto_scene 1-3principal-5 #I was wishing he would get this ambush out of the way so I could go home *goto_scene 1-3principal-5