"Anyway," he cleared his throat, "Your teachers have been similarly instructed to...indulge some strange behavior. However, of course, this isn't giving you license to do whatever you please; you'll be expected to follow the same rules as everyone else." *if (daniel_warden =true) I was having a hard time predicting where this trap was going to come from; if it was going to come at all. Oddly enough, the uncertainty of whether or not I was about to be attacked was worse than being in actual definitive danger. principal Gardner reached for something in his desk and my hand twitched toward the nearest trophy, but all he presented was a sheet of paper. *if (daniel_warden =false) I was a pretty patient person when the job called for it, but all other times I did typically prefer to simply move things along. This was appearently a philosophy that my principal did not share as he slowly sifted through papers searching for something. He eventually opened his desk, and my hand shifted toward the nearest trophy, but all he really produced was another sheet of paper. "This will be your class schedule, me and your 'handler' discussed which would be most appropriate; like all students you'll be given a 1-week grace period but afterwards you will be expected to appear on time to all functions unless given notice ahead of time by your legal guardian." Cautiously, I extended a hand forward and picked up the small sheet of paper. I used my peripheral vision to keep an eye on the room while I read through what was supposedly going to be my daily routine for the next year. 1st hour: Family and Consumer Science 2nd hour: Personal Finance 3rd hour: Algebra 4th hour: Art 5th hour: Language Arts Lunch 6th hour: Psychology/Sociology 7th hour: History *page_break A perfectly normal High School schedule *goto_scene 1-3principal-4