I stop the second we step into the main office. I see his office door, complete with nameplate for visitor's convenience, right away but what really catches my eye is the massive set of computer screens in what appears to be a sectioned off part to serve as a security room. Judging from the visuals being presented I can only assume it is the feed for all the cameras I saw on the way in here. There are even more cameras than I expected; it seems like not a single inch of the school is being left unmonitored. It appears that in surrendering to the guards I was able to complete a more thorough reconnaissance than I ever could have dreamed of by running around the school on foot, and I was able to determine that the commanding officer of the institution was no threat to me whatsoever in the process. *set memorized_school_layout true It was only after I was finished committing the scene to memory that I noticed the principal had been holding the door open for me the entire time, probably wondering why I had randomly stopped in the middle of the room. I determined that the time it took to explain it to him would be better spent just walking through the door and getting our meeting over with, letting him draw his own conclusions. Inside his room there were a large variety of trophies that the school had earned over the decades, with dates ranging back decades; I made a mental note that the principal's room was the place to go with I needed bladed or blunt weapons in a hurry. *page_break Next *goto_scene 1-3nervousprincipal-4