"So," he says, blowing smoke to the side, "What brings you to our little paradise?" "I seek asylum until the school day begins. The school authority is currently looking for me." "That so? What'd you do to get under Gardner's skin?" "I hospitalized two school security officers." "Are you serious?" He laughed and looked me in the eye, "Holy shit, you're actually are serious. That's awesome! Yeah, you can hang around here anytime you like! Can't promise some of the boys won't give you trouble at first but hey, stone cold killer like you oughta be able to sort them out right quick!" Stone cold killer? How did he know? I might have underestimated this gang if they have that wide of an intelligence network. "Say, what's your name, killer?" *fake_choice *if (female =true) #Jane *set firstname "Jane" *set fullname "Jane Decker" "${fullname}, huh? Seems a bit...well, ordinary. No offense, we don't choose our names after all." He was mostly right. Technically it was Daniel that chose my name, since my mother was a bit too dead to tell me what it was. He says the name Jane suited me; as in Jane Doe, the woman with no name, no past, no identity. Perfect for a fresh start; or so he put it. *goto_scene 1-3escape-5female #Henrietta *set firstname "Henrietta" *set fullname "Henrietta Decker" "${fullname}, huh? Pretty, has a nice ring to it. Never would have pined you for a pretty name but hey, it works." I'm not sure why Daniel chose a pretty name when he was choosing one for me. Though in his defense, it does have some history behind it. He told me I was named after some woman from a long time ago named Henrietta Lacks, whose cells had managed to live long after she died and survive multiple splits. A testament to their survival instinct, although I didn't understand a word of it until we started my biology lessons. *goto_scene 1-3escape-5female #Joy *set firstname "Joy" *set fullname "Joy Decker" "${fullname}, huh? Never would have guessed with that permanent scowl on your face. Did your parents give it to you as some sort of joke?" Well no, Daniel gave it to me. *if daniel_decker <35 I'm pretty sure the name is meant to be ironic seeing as how I haven't smiled in...well, I haven't smiled. If he meant it to be serious then he had a very poor sense of judgement when he named me. *if daniel_decker >= 35 At first I thought he meant the name as a joke until I asked him about it. He said his hope was that someday the name would fit, and so every time I heard it I would be reminded of where I was trying to be. He wasn't sentimental very often so that moment always stuck out to me. *goto_scene 1-3escape-5female #Jeannette *set firstname "Jeannette" *set fullname "Jeannette Decker" "${fullname}, huh? Pretty, has a nice ring to it. Never would have pined you for a pretty name but hey, it works." I'm not sure why Daniel chose a pretty name when he was choosing one for me. Though in his defense, it does have some history behind it. He says I was named after an American girl named Jeannette Walls, who was able to grow up in some of the worst conditions possible and still come out as a person, and even wrote a book about it. I never got around to reading it, but I admit I wouldn't mind swapping stories if I ever met her. *goto_scene 1-3escape-5female #Joan *set firstname "Joan" *set fullname "Joan Decker" "${firstname}? Like the knight? Well it's fitting, I'll give you that. ${fullname}; yeah, it fits." Daniel thought so too when he gave me the name. Joan d'Arc was a woman who became some kind of holy soldier a long time ago. I don't know much about holiness, but I recognize the soldier part all too well; which is why I suppose he figured it would be a good name or me. *goto_scene 1-3escape-5female #It took awhile to get him to say it right *input_text firstname *set fullname (firstname&" ")&lastname "${fullname}, did I get it right that time? Odd name, but I suppose oddness is turning out to be par for the course for you. Your parents must have been high when they came up with that." Well, it was Daniel, and I'm pretty sure he has never had any type of narcotic in his entire life other than painkillers. No point in correcting him, though. *goto_scene 1-3escape-5female