And in that exact moment, my phone went off. The phone Daniel gave me "What the hell are you doing?" He said the second I answered "Recon." "Why am I being told that you've assaulted three security officers?" "Four now, actually." "God dammit," I could hear him sigh in frustration on the other end, "Just...go to the principal's office. We'll talk when you get home." *if daniel_decker <35 I'm about to say something back but by the time I can think of something he's already hung up. Bastard. I can't just completely ignore a direct order, not if I want to keep my status as a foster child instead of a felon, so as soon as I see the guards rushing into the office I bitterly hold my hands up in surrender, "Fine, I give up. Just take me to the damn principal." *if daniel_decker =35 His tone is distinctly final and I'm highly reluctant to continue pressing my luck with him. Looking back, I probably shouldn't have let things escalate this quickly in the first place. I just hope Daniel doesn't revoke my status as his foster child... The security officers gather around the door and nervously poke their heads in; when they do, they see me holding my arms up in surrender. *if (daniel_decker >35) and (daniel_decker_rom =0) I probably went a bit far with this one...I know he'll probably forgive me but still, I prefer to not get on Daniel's bad side when I can help it. Honestly, I'm not sure how things escalated to this point in the first place. Not wanting to upset my guardian further, I put my hands on my head as soon as I see the security officers timidly approaching the doorway, "It's okay, I surrender. I'm ready to see principal Gardner now." *if daniel_decker_rom =10 "Daniel...I'm really sorry," I try to say but he's already hung up before I can get the first syllable out. I feel like I really upset him this time. He told me very clearly to go straight to the principal's office; such simple instructions... I put up as little a fight as possible when the security officers come breaking through the door. It goes against every instinct, but maybe if I surrender and be nice to the principal Daniel won't be as angry with me *page_break To the principal's office... *goto_scene 1-3breakin-10