Judging by the distance I've covered, I calculate that I'm 27 seconds away from the front entrance. *if (school_radio) "Hold on...guys, I think ${he}'s coming here! All units, get to the security office now!" Seems like I'll have less time than I'd hoped for. That's alright, though; as long as I can find the screens quickly, I can easily memorize them in a few seconds and escape through a window. As I turn the corner I can see through the glass doors where Daniel dropped me off about 10 minutes ago. Almost as soon as that thought registers, I see an officer come out from the door to the right holding a taser. He fires at me; I have just enough time to dodge out of the way, and luckily the taser is a one-time use. If he were using an automatic firearm I would probably be dead right now. Need to fix that later. *if not (school_radio) I rush to close the distance as quickly as possible. He sees me coming and raises his hands as a guard, likely remembering how well his friends were able to defend themselves. Upon reaching close range, I hit high as a feint; when his arms move high to block I place a kick into the groin. He kneels over almost instantly, and I follow it up by bringing an elbow onto the back of his head, knocking him out. *if (school_radio) I turn the radio in my hand into a ranged weapon and throw it at him; he sees it coming and dodges but the radio was only meant to serve as a diversion as I closed the distance and kicked his feet out from under him. Once he's on the ground I kick him in the side of the head, removing him as a threat. *set school_radio false *page_break Next *goto_scene 1-3breakin-8