The location of the security room typically depends on the institution it is placed in. In a prison, security rooms are far from the cells so that in the case of a riot there aren't any weapons near the inmates. In a military complex, the security room is typically somewhere in the center or where it can be easily accessed by personnel from all over the base. The purpose of a school is to protect and educate the students, and though it wasn't the case in my last school they usually don't have weapons on site because there isn't typically any need of them, so there's no reason for it to be placed out of the way. Any threats would typically come from outside, so it would make sense for the security room to be near the entrance where an assault would typically start from so that the officers can respond quickly before reaching the students, which means the security room is most likely right by the front entrance. Knowing this, I immediately run towards where I remember the front entrance being, keeping my sense alert to any potential threats. "Hallway 4, the transfer is heading straight towards you!" Almost immediately after he's done talking I see a single guard with his ear to his radio come into view. He hasn't seen me yet, so of course I... *choice #Throw my radio at his head It hits him squarely in the forehead, breaking the radio but knocking him unconscious almost instantaneously. I was honestly only expecting the radio to serve as a diversionary tactic, not to actually remove the threat altogether. I mentally scold this institution's training regime for producing such inadequate soldiers; it's almost a professional insult. *set school_radio false *goto_scene 1-3breakin-7 #Close the distance before he notices me He's heard my footsteps, but by the time he registers who I am I'm already less than a foot away. Using my momentum I land a knee squarely into the groin and, while he's kneeling over, follow up with another knee into his face, probably causing several fractures in his skull. He falls unconscious almost instantly and I spend the next few seconds recapturing the momentum lost by stopping to deal with him. "Jesus Christ, where'd this kid transfer from?! Iraq?!" Why does everyone always assume Iraq? There's lots of countries in perpetual war; I should know, I've fought in most of them. *set school_radio true *goto_scene 1-3breakin-7