It's too early to think about retreat when I haven't gained any actionable intelligence on the area. Before I can do anything, I need to figure out where their security room is and find some way to sabotage it; if given a few seconds, I could probably complete my reconnaissance by memorizing the images presented by the camera feed and save myself the time of running around the entire school. It's unlikely that those two officers were sent directly from the office. More likely they were in the area and contacted by radio as to my whereabouts. Knowing that, I search their belts and surely enough I find the radio and turn it on. "Officers down on Hallway 3!" I hear through it, "All officers converge on the transfer! Suppression is authorized!" *set school_radio true Hearing all this, a question rings through my head: why the hell does an American High School have this much security? Then a more pressing question rings through my head: Where would a security room most likely be? *page_break Next *goto_scene 1-3breakin-6