And jumping down into the building. Probably one of the easiest infiltrations I've ever done, which makes me uneasy at first, until I remember that this isn't a military complex, or even a violent territory. Daniel made sure to specifically choose an area that had as little conflict as possible, including a remarkably low crime rate. These are all surface thoughts; my primary focus is on surveying my surroundings. It appears I was correct in assuming this was a greenhouse, there is a wide variety of vegetation in the area and sharp tools designed for tending them. The tools are what interest me, but unfortunately they're all too large and bulky for me to be able to use reliably; the hand shovel had promise but was less effective than just using my hands. Determining that there was nothing useful in the room I made my way to the door. The first thing to remember when opening a door is to never do so unless you know what is on the other side. Digging up what I can remember from the movies Daniel showed me, there will probably be hallways and teenagers doing a musical number about the power of friendship. Pressing my ear against the door, I don't hear any music so I guess they haven't gotten to school yet, but the hallways will still probably be there. No footsteps either, so I can reasonably certain that I'm the only one infiltrating the building. With a decent knowledge of what I'm running into, I of course... *fake_choice #Slowly edge the door open Stealth is what's key in an infiltration like this so of course I want to go as slowly as possible. Given that, the door is heavier than expected; still well within my ability to open, but I still wince at the audible creek that rings through the building as I move. Given by the level of the sound, I'd guess these doors hadn't received any form of maintenance in at least a decade. #Open the door as quickly as possible Everyone assumes slowly opening a door is the most quiet way, and with well-maintained doors they would be correct; but few people actually perform any type of maintenance on their doors causing the hinges to creak when opened without an adequate amount of pressure, so quick is the only quiet way. Plus, this way if there is someone on the other side, I can react instantly before they have time to process what's going on. *goto_scene 1-3breakin-3