"You hospitalized four of our security guards *if (destroyed_school_security) and destroyed a $10,000 security system!" *if not (destroyed_school_security) !" Principal Gardner was less than pleased with how I was starting my first day. For the most part, his lecture was consisting of reminding me of things that I'd just done less than half an hour ago; did he think I forgot and needed to be reminded as some sort of side effect of my PTSD? I've heard of some conditions that can cause that, but I'm pretty sure I don't have anything like it. *if daniel_decker <=35 "If I were you, I'd use it an excuse to start a daily training regimen. You shouldn't accept such low-quality guards." This made him angrier for some reason. I guess some people just don't like honest constructive criticism, "Now listen you...I'm well aware of your...history, but I will not accept psychopathic rampages through my school! What if the other students had been present!" *if daniel_decker >35 I sit solemnly through his lecture, trying to avoid saying anything or making any facial gestures that might further antagonize him; right now, I just want this whole thing to blow over so I can get on with my day. My silence seems to work since eventually he starts to calm down. "Now look, I'm well aware of your...history, but I simply cannot accept rampages through my school. What would have happened if the other students were there?" *fake_choice #I typically don't kill people who aren't posing a threat to me *set tactics -5 #Their interference wouldn't have changed the outcome in any significant ways *goto_scene 1-3breakin-11