Beneath my name, I see what according to Principle Gardner is going to be my schedule for the rest of the school year. 1st hour: Family and Consumer Science 2nd hour: Personal Finance 3rd hour: Algebra 4th hour: Art 5th hour: Language Arts Lunch 6th hour: Psychology/Sociology 7th hour: History All the classes appear to be tailored to be as non-combative and friendly as possible, presumably training me to be the complete opposite of what I'd been brought up as. Or maybe this was just the standard for all Freshmen, I didn't really have anything to compare with. Maybe they just wanted all 14-year-olds to be really good at History. "I have it memorized," I say, sliding the paper back to Principle Gardner "Good," he said, ignoring the gesture in favor of staring at me, "Then head to your first hour and wait there until school starts. Don't wander off this time, don't take any detours, and don't assault anyone. Welcome to High School." *page_break First hour... *goto_scene 1-4first-1