*if (notoby =true) *set tobyhostileforlife true The lights are off when I return home. Indicator that Daniel has not yet returned. The door is still locked, requiring the use of my spare key. Indicator that the front door has not been broken through. Two quick laps around the house reveal no broken glass or other signs of forcible entry. Indicator that the house remains secure since our leaving this morning. With the above evidence, I cautiously enter through the front door of the house. Mostly confident that I'm entering into an empty building. Once inside and the door locked behind me, I feel a sense of exhaustion come over me. The clock displays that less than 12 hours have passed since I last stepped foot outside this house, and yet it strangely feels a lot longer than that. Once I determine that my life is not in danger, I fall back on one of the main rules drilled into my mind from before. "Go for the weapon first. [i]Always[/i] the weapon first." The first thing I do upon entering the home is head straight for my room and check the drawer of my nightstand. Inside is the small pocket knife that Daniel allowed me to keep, for my own sense of mind as he explained it at the time. His reasoning is irrelevant; all that matters to me is that the weapon is now firmly in my grasp once again. Now, in the security of my room, the load of my bright green backpack stored in my closet, and with a weapon in my grip; I finally lie down and relax. *page_break Next A couple hours later, I hear the door open rapidly. Instinctively, I roll off the bed and conceal myself behind, peeking out through the open door into the living room. I allow myself to relax when I see Daniel come through. Though I only see him for a moment as he rushes past into the kitchen. I figure that I might as well see what has him in such a hurry, so I exit my room and head to the kitchen. There I see him washing his hands in the kitchen sink. The faucet is on cold. It's then I notice that red water drips down into the sink after making impact with his hands. He's washing blood off his hands. After a moment, he peeks over his shoulder and sees me standing there, and with a curt nod he goes back to washing his hands. *if (hurt =true) "Are those wounds serious?" "Bruises. They will heal." "I see, that's good." He hesitates for a moment. "How was school today?" "You want a debriefing right now?" "Not a step-by-step, that can wait for the written report. Just a general overview." *fake_choice #School is stressful. I hate it. "All the other kids are crazy. There's too many people. The teachers are obstructive. I have very little freedom of movement. I would prefer to not go there again." "Hm, you and every other kid your age." His voice pattern indicates he's smiling. "Good to know some things never change. As you get older, you'll come to appreciate these constants. Even the annoying ones." #I don't think the other students like me very much. "I believe I made a poor first impression on the other students. They do not seem to like me very much." "That's alright. Right now, being liked shouldn't be high on your priorities anyway. As long as you're adjusting well to school life, the rest will follow." #It has it's pros and cons. "There were pros and cons. The lack of attempts at killing me was something I appreciated. However, I would have preferred other children that were easier to get along with." "That's alright. Right now, being liked shouldn't be high on your priorities anyway. As long as you're adjusting well to school life, the rest will follow." #It was alright. "No complaints." "Good. It's important that you learn how to adjust to this new environment. The main purpose of school is to get people used to interacting with each other. Especially people they don't like." The front door opens again. The moment the door creaks, Daniel quickly turns on his heel and holds a hand up to me. A clear indication to halt. Having to analyze this gesture keeps me from executing my first instinct, which would have been to draw my pistol. Instead, I look over at the door and see a man around Daniel's age. Brown hair, a stubbly beard, dark sunglasses conceal his eyes. He's dressed business casual, in contrast to Daniel's sharp professional attire. Like Daniel, he stinks of gunpowder. "Hey Decker, where'd you go off to?" He says while looking over the house. "You left blood on my car door handle, by the way. You may want to invest in keeping a handkerchief on you in the future, just my opinion." "I'll consider it." Daniel calls from the kitchen and steps past me into the living room to join his associate. "You want something to drink? I have soda in the fridge." "Nah, I'll just pick up a beer on my way home." The stubbly man looks past Daniel and at the doorway, where I'm standing. "That the kid?" He walks up to me. Daniel must have perceived the twitch in my hand. "It's alright, ${firstname}. Kenneth is a friend of mine. We work together." "Ever the idealist, aren't you? This long in the business and still using words like 'friends.'" The man, Kenneth, says while smiling. He squats down, looking me over at eye-level while remaining silent. Like he's studying me. After a bit, he shrugs. "Hard to believe you're the one everyone is making a fuss about. Just look like a brat to me." He reaches into his coat and pulls out what looks like a chocolate bar. Then breaks off a piece and eats if, before offering me the rest. "Here kid. Call it a gift from Uncle Ken." *fake_choice #Take the chocolate *set firearms -1 *set combat -1 Seeing the gift right in front of me, it takes a while to build up the nerve to reach out and take it. Strangely enough, Kenneth is patient, and doesn't react when I quickly and roughly snatch it out of his hand. He just smiles. "Yup, a brat if I ever saw one." He laughs and ruffles my hair. "A little angry and scared. Ain't that just life?" I glare at him and step away, before taking a bite out of my chocolate bar. ...It's good. Kenneth shakes his head and stands up. "Doesn't matter where you're from or how old you are, I refuse to believe there's a man, woman, boy, or girl in the world that doesn't like chocolate. At our core, we're all rather simple creatures." #Don't take it I've never been one for gifts. Especially not ones laid out right in front of me. Instead, I cross my arms and stare Kenneth straight in the eye. Though I can't see his, concealed as they are behind his shades. He tilts his head at me, though, when it becomes evident that I have no intention of accepting anything from him. He just smiles. "Yup, a brat if I ever saw one." He laughs and ruffles my hair. "A little angry and scared. Ain't that just life?" I glare at him and step away, keeping my arms crossed. Kenneth stands up. "Well, more for me." He says while taking another bite out of the chocolate bar. "Doesn't matter where you're from or how old you are, I refuse to believe there's a man, woman, boy, or girl in the world that doesn't like chocolate." *page_break Next "That's enough." Daniel says. "Did you get any homework, ${firstname}." Kenneth shakes his head. "Christ, Daniel, it's the first day of school. Of course not." "Can you let me handle this? Please?" "Do what you want." Kenneth says with a shrug, then steps past me. "I think I'll get one of those sodas after all." After he's gone into the kitchen, me and Daniel are left alone in the living room. "Me and my partner are going to be discussing business." He says matter-of-factly. Never a wasted word, as usual. "I'd like you to stay in your room until we're done. Please take out the trash before you do." I nod. Indicating my understanding of each order. 1) Take out trash. 2) Return to room. Refreshing, after going so long through the day with so many complicated conversation and twisting paths of options to finally have simple and straight forward orders. The familiarity is strangely comforting. *page_break Next I check the corners when walking out the front door. A simple tactic that takes less time that scratching one's nose, yet has saved infinitely more lives by aiding in the ending of others. Outside, the sky had taken on an orange-ish tint as dusk begins to make way for night. Shadows have begun to stretch out longer. Shadows are fickle things. When inside a shadow, they don't seem all that scary. If anything they feel like a close friend. A protector and benefactor, keeping you safe from everything outside. But they get jealous when you're not among them. Being in the light looking in, shadows feel much more sinister. Just as you cannot be seen when standing in them, you cannot see anything inside when standing out of them. Much like how a gun is only friendly to the wielder. Right now, none of those shadows look trustworthy to my eyes, making the walk to the curb where our trashcan is located a very long one with a struggle to maintain 360 degree security while being forced to settle with a roughly 150 degree cone of vision. Eventually, I do make it to the trashcans. Nearing their filling point as trash day comes closer to arriving. It's a small struggle to get the bags to fit inside, though by no means unachievable. The task doesn't take more than twenty seconds. However, after the lid slams shut, I begin to become aware to the sound of shifting grass. As if someone were walking across our lawn in my direction. I briefly curse myself for allowing my guard to drop even for twenty measly seconds. At this point, the sounds of approaching feet are roughly fifteen meters away. Could use the gun to neutralized them, but that would take control of the situation out of my hands. Daniel would come out, or the police, and then the CIA would take full control over my fate. Better to deal with this at the lowest level possible. And that requires discretion. So I wait, until the footsteps are roughly ten meters away. At this point they hesitate, as if afraid to get closer. This brief moment of hesitation becomes my opportunity, and I quickly turn on my heel and sprint toward the target. *page_break Next As I approach, I get a good look at the target. Female. Short height. Long black hair that's in tangles and strings, indicating it does not receive regular care. Dark choice of clothing color. Eyes appear droopy and sunken, even as they are in high alert trying to track my movements. *if (met_vi =true) Wait a second...that's Vi. The target freezes up in place as I approach, making it easier to tackle her to the ground, and to go on and reposition myself behind her so that my arms are able to wrap around her throat and put her in a choke hold at my mercy. She squirms out of natural instinct, but it doesn't take much pressure to convince her to remain still. *if (met_vi =false) *goto idontknowyou *if (met_vi =true) *goto iknowyou *label idontknowyou *set vi_name "Vi Myrtal" "Name." "Uhhh...Vi Myrtal?" "Vi Myrtal. You will explain to me why you should live." *page_break Next I feel her trembling in my grip. Her breath appears to have caught in her throat. Perhaps the application of fear was too much for her mind to handle. That would be unfortunate; someone who has been shocked into stupidity and inability to speak or move makes for a poor interrogation subject. It seems action on my part is required to have this conversation go anywhere. "I remember you." I tell her. "You were in art class, were you not? You were the girl who ran out of the room before class had properly begun. Why was that?" "I saw you..." Slowly, she begins to crane her neck, despite the fact that such an action must be painful for her and offers absolutely no advantage for her in this position. The only thing this accomplishes is allowing her to just barely look me in the eye. There isn't as much fear there as I had expected. It looks more like...awe? "Do you...like this?" She struggles to push the words out of her throat, and they sound constrained and forced. "Do you like...hurting me?" "What kind of question is that?" I ask more out of instinct than a calculated interrogation question. Something is off about this one. Do I enjoy hurting people? It's not a question I had asked myself very many times in the past. The subject of whether or not I derive pleasure from the pain of others very rarely comes up. Before, when working for that organization, causing pain to others was only a result of carrying out orders and surviving yet another day. It was not what I would call pleasurable, more a necessity of the job. But this isn't a job right now. This is me. I am the one who is currently strangling a stranger on the side of my lawn. No one ordered me to do it, I just did. This time, I feel... *fake_choice #Powerful. I'm the one in control. *set bored +1 Power. The more you have, the more you want. The ability to enforce your will on the world and make what you want to be real a reality. Power is measured in who you have power over. The only scale with which to grade one's power is off of those around you and what you can do to them, or force them to do. I had to start off very low on the power scale, spending my early years ducking and hiding from those who had power and doing everything I could to just not get in their way. By the time I actually did have power over them, it still didn't bring satisfaction, because there was still someone who had power over me. Subjugating others brought no peace when it was done at the orders of one who had subjugated me. But now, I think I finally understand what they must have felt. This knowledge that a young girl's life was completely in my hands. That there was nothing she could do to resist. That I finally had control. In response to her question...I suppose I do enjoy hurting others. #Calculating. I'm only focused on the task. *set bored +1 Feelings have a tendency of getting people killed. In the heat of the moment, when bullets are flying and you're splattered the blood of friend and foe, a cool head and sharp eyes are needed for survival. Things like rage, panic, remorse, or vengeance will only decease your ability to take advantage of these things in the enemy. Understanding emotions and how to exploit them is vital, but feeling them for myself would be suicide. In this moment, I don't feel anything. All I'm thinking about is the likelihood of her having concealed a weapon in her clothes and how long I can keep this up before Daniel decides to come out and see what's taking me so long. #Afraid. I don't know what will happen next. I don't know this girl. And she's displaying behavior that is an outliers from typical people in this environment. Not to mention, at any point, Daniel or is friend from the CIA can come out that door and see this. While Daniel is unlikely to turn me in, what about his friend? So many things can go wrong. Such is always the case when delving into uncharted territory. I've gone into the unknown many times, and I've always been afraid. It's why I'm still alive. #Remorseful. What am I doing? This isn't what I want. *set humanity +1 What did she do to deserve what I'm doing now? She walked around on our lawn and now I'm threatening to kill her. When I felt the presence of someone that I was the slightest bit unsure of, I immediately fell back on my most natural of gut reactions. And that reaction was to kill her. Why? I've been here for so long, why am I still like this? Makes one wonder if I've even changed or grown up at all. #Nothing. It is what it is. Vi's heartbeat remains at a sporadic high, and she is shifting in my arms quite a bit yet it quickly becomes evident that she's not trying to escape but is rather snuggling into my choke-hold. "Why are you even here?" I finally just ask the simplest question. "Because...I want to be friends. Because I love you." "We have just met. Why would you feel such a strong emotion?" "Because you're evil." She says with a wistfulness in her voice as she leans her head against my chest. "I can hear it. And if you're evil, then I can be evil. And if we're both evil, then we can be evil together." I can't fault her for being a good judge of character. I can fault her line of reasoning, though. "So, uhm...are you going to kill me?" She mumbles, and I realize that I'm still constricting her airway. "Not at the moment. Not without reason." I release her, allowing her to fall onto the grass and pick herself up, carefully watching her movements as she did so to ensure I wasn't caught unaware by a surprise attack. No attack came. Instead, she just stands up and brushes off her clothes. "I'm glad you aren't going to kill me. It would probably hurt." She tilts her head. "So, uhm...what do you want to do with me now? Do, uhm...you think we could be friends?" *fake_choice #Absolutely not *set vi_stalker true *if (viservant =false) *set virelationship "One-Sided Obsession" "Oh...too soon?" "I'm not in the habit of making friends." "That's okay; I guess we can just be not-friends together." "I'd rather we be not-friends separately." "Uhm...that'd be a bit harder." "I suggest you give it your best effort, for your own sake." "Okay...I'll try." *goto daniel #Perhaps, against better judgment *if (viservant =true) *set virelationship "Happy Slave" *if (viservant =false) *set virelationship "Strange Friendship" *set combat -1 *set explosives -1 *set firearms -1 *set vi_friend true "That's really, really good." Something about the look in her eye reminds me of the expression some of my old colleagues had whenever one of their shots hit a target in an improbable area like the heart or eye. A mix between satisfaction from hard effort and sadistic glee. "Try not to get too excited. Any relationship with me will probably not end well for you." "Oh, I know. I don't mind though." *goto daniel *label iknowyou "Vi." "Yeah?" "Why are you here?" "Uhm...coincidence?" "It is a coincidence that you happened to be on my lawn while I was taking out the trash?" "Yes...a wonderful coincidence." She says with that voice indicating one who is thoroughly swooned. *page_break Next *if (vi_torture =true) From our close proximity, I am able to make several observations. The chief among them is the way that she is only grabbing me with one arm while the other hangs uselessly. The same arm in which I cut during our meeting in the bathroom. "That is still unhealed." I voice my observation. *if (destroyed_school_security =false) "I had thought you were sent to the hospital." "I was, but they wouldn't let me see you. So I quit." That might cause problems for her later down the road. But those are, specifically, her problems. *goto vicontinue *if (destroyed_school_security =true) "Did you ever get that looked at? Professionally." She shook her head vigorously. Which much have been incredibly uncomfortable given my hold around her neck. "No, I didn't want to get you in trouble. So I wrapped it up myself." I suppose that is one less thing to worry about. The rest are her problems. *goto vicontinue *label vicontinue "So, are you going to kill me?" She asks, twisting her head in what must be an uncomfortable manner just so that at least half of one eye can be looking into mine. "Not today. Not without reason." I let go of her, and she almost immediately falls onto the lawn. Coughing quite a bit due to the sudden lack of restriction on her oxygen intake. *fake_choice #Help her up *set combat -1 *set humanity +1 *set vikindness +1 This is mostly a result of her own actions. But I must accept at least partial responsibility for her current state on the ground. So, it is only right that I offer a hand to help her to her feet. "Stand up." "Uhm...right," she mummers, and together the two of us manage to get Vi to her feet. "Are you alright?" She blushes when I say that. "You're...really good at seduction." Well, good to know there's [i]one[/i] person in the world who thinks that. #Maintain vigilance I stand and watch as she pushes herself off the ground, carefully watching her movements as she did so to ensure I wasn't caught unaware by a surprise attack. No attack came. Instead, she just stands up and brushes off her clothes. "I'm glad you aren't going to kill me. It would probably hurt." "Aside from wanting to see me, was there anything you wanted that required you being here?" *if (vischoolinfo =true) "Well, I suppose you should know...I finished that thing you wanted me to do." "Already?" I'm a bit impressed. I was expecting a report in a few weeks, not within the same day. She must have gotten started the moment we parted ways. "Yes!" She nods her head enthusiastically, before pausing. "It was to collect information on the school, right? So that you could know what was going on?" "That would be correct." "Well, I did that!" She exclaims again. "The school was constructed about four decades ago! It used to be normal, but after the new principal took over, they started getting weird about their intake. The principal seems to somehow manage to get kids with really sad backstories sent here instead of other schools, and all the teachers have PTSD training!" "I already knew most of that." You tell her. "Is there anything you can tell me that's new?" "Well, something else..." She mumbles. "It apparently gets a lot of money from the Stein family, because their daughter goes there." "Lucy Stein. We've met." "Right. You know her. I knew that...but yeah, there's rumors her family is into some pretty illegal stuff." She goes on. "So, the school is starting to get really rich. It's getting money from the Steins, it gets even more money sent to it from bigger school guys because Principal Gardner is apparently really good at getting them to do that, and now the CIA is putting money into it. I think we're richer than most universities, to be honest." "No wonder they were able to afford all the new security on short notice. Anything else." "Well, other than all that...it's a pretty normal school." "I see." *page_break Next "Oh, by the way..." She's mumbling now. What confidence she had before having been destroyed by whatever her current thoughts are. "What is it?" "I just...well, I just wanted to know..." She's twirling her hair in her fingers and barely looking at me. I also note small hints of heat rising in her face. *goto friendorfoe *if (vistudentinfo =true) "Well, I suppose you should know...I finished that thing you wanted me to do." "Already?" I'm a bit impressed. I was expecting a report in a few weeks, not within the same day. She must have gotten started the moment we parted ways. "Yes!" She nods her head enthusiastically, before pausing. "It was to collect information on the students, right? So that you could know what was going on?" "That would be correct." "Well, I did that!" She exclaims again. "So, the biggest one is Lucy Stein. Her dad is someone really important in the government, but also gets into some illegal stuff, or at least that's what some people think. Rumors are Lucy is even getting into it. But...well, I don't think she's like us. She feels like a good person." "Okay. Anyone else?" "I guess Jason and Jesse would be the next most important ones. At least, a lot of people seem to like them. At first, I thought it was because they were good people, but something feels pretty fake about them. I'm not even sure they're really dating." "Understood. Next." "Next, Junior Beach. Runs a pretty small gang that hangs around some of the slummy area. They have some kind of hideout in a convenience store right next to the train yard." She concludes. "And, well, that's all the really important people. At least, the ones that everyone talks about. Besides you, of course." Less than I hoped. More than I was expecting. At least from an amateur. *page_break Next "Oh, by the way..." She's mumbling now. What confidence she had before having been destroyed by whatever her current thoughts are. "What is it?" "I just...well, I just wanted to know..." She's twirling her hair in her fingers and barely looking at me. I also note small hints of heat rising in her face. *goto friendorfoe *if (vifollow =true) "Well, I suppose...I just wanted to make sure you were alright. After we got split up by that scary professor." That psychology teacher. Judging by the way Vi shuffles her feet when she mentions him, he got into her head just as much as he did everyone else in the classroom. "So, he didn't do anything...mean to you, did he?" "No physical damage done. He may be a problem later down the line though." "Will you kill him?" She asks with enthusiasm. "No." "Oh...that's too bad." *page_break Next "Oh, by the way..." She's mumbling now. What confidence she had before having been destroyed by whatever her current thoughts are. "What is it?" "I just...well, I just wanted to know..." She's twirling her hair in her fingers and barely looking at me. I also note small hints of heat rising in her face. *goto friendorfoe *else *goto friendorfoe *label friendorfoe "Well, so, do you think...maybe... *if (vi_friend =false) you might, reconsider? Being friends? With...me?" "Friendship again?" She's nervous. Fidgeting with her fingers and her hair. Shaking knees. Fear. This is important to her. *choice #Absolutely not *set vi_stalker true *if (viservant =true) *set virelationship "Slave" "No. Never." "I...understand." She mumbles and looks completely dejected. Fears of rejection coming to life. Probably feels horrible, but that's her problem to deal with. I have my own issues to sort through without adding hers on top of them. *goto daniel #Perhaps, against better judgment *set vi_friend true *if (viservant =true) *set virelationship "Happy Slave" *if (viservant =false) *set virelationship "Strange Friendship" "That's really, really good." Something about the look in her eye reminds me of the expression some of my old colleagues had whenever one of their shots hit a target in an improbable area like the heart or eye. A mix between satisfaction from hard effort and sadistic glee. The look of dreams realized. "Try not to get too excited. Any relationship with me will probably not end well for you." "Oh, I know. I don't mind though." *goto daniel *label daniel *page_break Next It's at that time the door finally opens. My eyes dart over and I see Daniel standing at the door, his eyes briefly scanning the area before settling on us. "You were taking awhile. I came to make sure everything was alright." He explains, before his eyes settle on Vi. "Who is this?" *if (vi_stalker =true) "I'm..." She starts off, slowly. Her voice is hollow and lifeless. A familiar pitch. "I'm...nobody." She wanders off onto the sidewalk. Daniel steps a bit out of the doorway, halfway across the lawn to me, as we both watch her heading off in an opposite direction from us. Walking at first, before taking off into a run. "Friend of yours?" He asks me. "No." *page_break Next *goto onwardstothefuture *if (vi_friend =true) "You're ${his} dad?" Vi asks immediately before I can get a word in. Her face lighting up. "...Something like that." Vi runs up to him, stopping about five feet away. Her excitement at seeing the man who she presumes to be my father figure is obvious even without being able to see her facial features. Her movements alone is a good enough indicator. However, after she stands in place under Daniel's assessing eye, she stands a bit straighter, as if preparing for something. "Um...my name is Vi Myrtal. Born and raised in this town. I just met ${firstname} today. We have agreed to become friends." "I see. And what is it you want to talk to me about?" "I understand, that...in cases like this, you're supposed to get to know the father..." She says, her head shifting as her hand instinctively curls her hair before she realizes and stops. "I know that you're supposed to know...I am in love. With ${him}." "In love?" I think this is the first time I've ever seen Daniel genuinely surprised. The image is...actually kind of jarring when compared against his usual unflappable demeanor. "Yes. I am in love. I would like to be married some day, but...as long as I can be close, or of use...I would like that. That's why I'm glad we met, Mr. ${firstname}'s dad." Daniel looks at me now. His facial expression looking to me for some kind of indication to help him understand the situation. *choice #Nod I give him a brief nod. Without reaction to my movement, he looks back at Vi. "I see. Well, it's nice to meet you, Vi." "Likewise, sir." She bows in response. Considering the contrast between her current demeanor and before, it is obvious that this is an attempt to mimic behavior she had previously seen. The ideal of how someone is supposed to act around the 'love of their life.' American media, first-hand sighting, or personal upbringing? "Well, now that we've met, it's about time ${firstname} got inside. You should head home too, it's going to get dark soon." "Yes! You're right!" Vi exclaims and turns back in my direction. "Uhm...I hope we'll see each other tomorrow." "It is likely." She smiles and begins running off. I briefly watch her as she goes off, her footsteps light and her head held high, until I hear Daniel's footsteps move to my side. "I'm glad you're making friends." He says. His tone is neutral, but I don't see any reason to believe he is being dishonest. "You're going to have to be careful, though. Friends are good, they can keep you grounded. It's important to care about things, but it's hard too and opens yourself up to certain risks. You need to be aware of those risks." "I understand." "Good...now go get ready for bed. And make sure you write a report for the day, I'll need to submit it tomorrow." *page_break Next *goto onwardstothefuture #Shrug I give him a non-commital shrug. Without reaction to my movement, he looks back at Vi. "I see. Well, it's nice to meet you, Vi." "Likewise, sir." She bows in response. Considering the contrast between her current demeanor and before, it is obvious that this is an attempt to mimic behavior she had previously seen. The ideal of how someone is supposed to act around the 'love of their life.' American media, first-hand sighting, or personal upbringing? "Well, now that we've met, it's about time ${firstname} got inside. You should head home too, it's going to get dark soon." "Yes! You're right!" Vi exclaims and turns back in my direction. "Uhm...I hope we'll see each other tomorrow." "It is likely." She smiles and begins running off. I briefly watch her as she goes off, her footsteps light and her head held high, until I hear Daniel's footsteps move to my side. "How much does she know?" "As far as I am aware, she is not affiliated with any criminal, terrorist, or intelligence organizations. However, she appears to believe she has a psychological understanding of me." "Will she be a problem?" "Unknown." "Do you think she might be a friend?" "Unknown." "Alright," Daniel puts his hands in his pockets and lets out a breath. "Alright...be careful with her, then. Unknown variables can be blessings and curses, depending on how they turn out. If you can make a friend, try to do so. Friends are good, they can keep you grounded. It's important to care about things, so long as you do it carefully." "I understand." "Good...now go get ready for bed. And make sure you write a report for the day, I'll need to submit it tomorrow." *page_break Next *goto onwardstothefuture #Shake head I give him a definitive shake of the head. Without reaction to my movement, he looks back at Vi. "I see. Well, it's nice to meet you, Vi." "Likewise, sir." She bows in response. Considering the contrast between her current demeanor and before, it is obvious that this is an attempt to mimic behavior she had previously seen. The ideal of how someone is supposed to act around the 'love of their life.' American media, first-hand sighting, or personal upbringing? "Well, now that we've met, it's about time ${firstname} got inside. You should head home too, it's going to get dark soon." "Yes! You're right!" Vi exclaims and turns back in my direction. "Uhm...I hope we'll see each other tomorrow." "It is likely." She smiles and begins running off. I briefly watch her as she goes off, her footsteps light and her head held high, until I hear Daniel's footsteps move to my side. "How much does she know?" "As far as I am aware, she is not affiliated with any criminal, terrorist, or intelligence organizations. However, she appears to believe she has a psychological understanding of me." "Will she be a problem?" "Unknown." "Alright," Daniel puts his hands in his pockets and lets out a breath. "Alright...be careful with her, then. Your situation is very complicated right now. Any unknown variable can be the one that unravels the whole plan. If she's determined to interact with you, then your best bet is to control how those interactions go. To control her. Make the unknown variable into a more predictable one. Befriending her might well be the best way to do that." "I understand." "Good...now go get ready for bed. And make sure you write a report for the day, I'll need to submit it tomorrow." *page_break Next *goto onwardstothefuture *label onwardstothefuture Kenneth is still in the living room when we step inside. Leaning back into the couch with an opened soda can in his hand. "Changed my mind about the drink." He says with a sip. "Figured we have something to talk about." "Work related?" "Eh, something like that." "${firstname}," I already know what Daniel is going to say before he does so. "Please go to your room and start writing up a report for the day. You can go to bed whenever you feel like afterwards." *if (daniel_father =true) I nod and head to my room. No point delaying. *if (daniel_father =false) I nod and head to my room. This is an order from the CIA, not from Daniel, so it's not like I can choose to not do it. At least not without some consequences that I'm not willing to deal with. *if (incidents >0) "Oh, one more thing." I hear Daniel say just as I'm about to turn the door handle. "I got a call from the principal. He said you had some issues at school." *fake_choice #Ah shit... *set reflex -1 I let out a little sigh and peak over my shoulder. "...A few." "It's alright, not the end of the world." He says, "And nobody expected you to do perfect right out of the gate. Just be honest about mistakes, especially when writing that report, and you'll be fine." "To a degree," Kenneth says with a sip of his drink. Earning him a glare from Daniel. "You'll be fine. At least as far as the CIA is concerned. But you're going to have to get those issues bolted down. You'll find it a lot harder to fit in around here if you don't learn how to adapt to social norms. You understand?" I nod. "Alright. Go on, then." *goto dreams #So? *set hatedan +1 I look over my shoulder. "Yeah? And?" My response appareantly wasn't what Daniel was hoping for. "And you'll be fine, as far as the CIA is concerned, as long as you're honest in your reports about what happened. But you're going to have a lot of trouble fitting in around here if you don't learn how to adapt to social norms. And my superiors are going to eventually expect to see some improvement in you." "I see. Is that it?" "...Yeah, that's it. Go on." *goto dreams *label dreams "Sweet dreams, kid." I hear Kenneth say as I'm leaving. *page_break Next I take a second to look over my room to make sure nothing has been moved since the last time I was one in here. Daniel may trust Kenneth, but this guy works for the CIA. Part of his job is getting people to trust him. It rarely goes well for those who do. A quick inspection leaves me certain that everything is ostensibly the same. If he did something here, he was thorough in covering his tracks. Nothing I can do about that. On my desk, I see a few papers that have been formatted in the CIA debrief style with fill-in-the-blank sections for my own input. And a sturdy pen next to it that even I would have trouble breaking in my attempts at writing. And a glass of water. *choice #Get to work *goto report #Wait...I want to know what they're saying That glass of water might turn out to be more useful than Daniel probably intended. Such a small glass I'm able to finish in a single gulp, leaving me an empty glass. I press the rim of the glass against the door and press my ear to the other side. A crude method, but some of the most effective methods are. [i] "I really don't see what all the fuss is about. A brat is going to misbehave, it's in their nature. You don't see little Timmy Petty Larceny getting all the power of the CIA brought down on their head to keep the little shit in line." [i] "You already know why this is different. ${firstname} isn't normal." [i] "You know what happened when I was eight and stole a pack of baseball cards from my friend's dad down the street? My mama spanked me. It hurt. Taught me the valuable lesson of 'don't steal fucking baseball cards. It ain't fucking worth it, you little shit.' Never stole baseball cards again. Guys like you and me, our job is to sort out the adult shitbags who never got spanked before; parents are the ones who are supposed to sort out brats, not the CIA." [i] "What do you want me to do? Like it or not, I have to deal with this." [i] "Well, for starters, you did not have to deal with this. Your job was to catch terrorists, not raise their bastard offspring. The whole community is probably goanna burn you for it, and I'll be right there with you, so thanks for that. Second, as long as you have the brat, you could try treating ${him} like a brat for a change. Not a fucking prisoner. Ankle tracker, really, whose idea was that?" [i] "Compromises had to be made. I'm not sure if you remember this, but ${he}'s dangerous. Probably killed as many people as you have, and in a fourth of the time. There's something broken in ${him}. Ignoring that won't help ${him} heal." [i] "For Christ's sake, you don't teach a dog to stop biting by showing it slideshows of all the people it's bitten. Kids rise to the bar you set for them and right now you and the whole goddamn agency have set that bar on the ground in the Middle East." [i] "What exactly do you expect of me?" [i] "How about instead of writing up reports, you talk to the brat? Walk through the day together? Take the kid out to the park, or to the pool, or to fucking Disneyland. Get to know em. Right now, you're doing what we call in the agency half-measures." [i] "I know the term. Though it's usually related to homicide. Don't threaten when killing is an option, isn't that our usual MO?" [i] "Look, I'm using the term a bit closer to it's source. You can't half-ass being a parent. You took the kid in; great, good job, have a cookie for doing the right thing. Now how about you get to the job of raising em?" [i] "I'm trying my best here." [i] "Well try harder. You chose the path." I hear someone stand up. [i] "Right, lecture over. If you don't mind, I'm going to take one for the road. These are actually pretty fantastic, what brand is this?" Seems that's all the information I'll be getting. *page_break Next Not exactly what I expected to hear when I decided to listen in on the conversation. This Kenneth is much stranger than I previously thought. Considering his occupation, he has probably killed many people; judging by the gunpowder stink on him, some of those were today. Yet here he is, drinking a soda and giving his friend parenting advice. I'm not sure if that counts as well-adjusted or sociopathic. As for the conversation itself, *choice #I can't stand being talked about They're having a conversation about me that I have no control over. That gives them power over me. Sure, the CIA might already have total power over me, but that doesn't mean I can't fight for every scrap of control I can get over my own fate. Them deciding my reputation takes away that control. For that, I can't forgive them. However, that's a worry for another time. Right now, I turn to look at the report lying on my desk that is just waiting to be filled out. Might as well get to work. *page_break Next *goto report #I hate that Kenneth wants to baby me Kenneth talks as if he knows me. Like I can just be treated like any other kid and everything will turn out alright. He doesn't know a thing about me. And he definitely doesn't know what's best for me. The fact that he pretends with such certainty and conviction is what I hate the most about it. However, that's a worry for another time. Right now, I turn to look at the report lying on my desk that is just waiting to be filled out. Might as well get to work. *page_break Next *goto report #I'm not sure what to think The things they said; about me, my future, how they feel about the whole thing. It's matters that I was never trained for. All these little emotions bubbling to the surface. They feel as strange and alien to me. New world, new rules, and here I am, just trying to keep up. This world I've been thrust into wasn't ready for me, and I wasn't ready for it. Yet despite that, or because of it, here we are. However, that's a worry for another time. Right now, I turn to look at the report lying on my desk that is just waiting to be filled out. Might as well get to work. *page_break Next *goto report #I'm wondering if I should ask Daniel to take me somewhere What Kenneth said caused some thoughts to bubble to the surface that I had never expected to be there. A picnic in a park. A visit to a pool. Going out for ice cream. I've seen these things on television, but I never really thought about whether they were something I would ever get to do. During that eight months of learning, all this seemed purely acedemic. Now, I realize, that for all those people I interacted with and got to know at school, that was their lives. Their worlds, before me. Is it something I want? However, that's a worry for another time. Right now, I turn to look at the report lying on my desk that is just waiting to be filled out. Might as well get to work. *page_break Next *goto report *label report CIA Database Profile: [i] Name: ${fullname} [i] Age: 14 (Estimated) [i] Sex: ${gender} [i] National Origin: Africa [i] Occupation: High School Student [i] Parent/Guardian: Special Agent Daniel Decker [i] Date of Report: 2 SEP 201X [i] Last Updated By: ${fullname} [i] Today, I began my first day of high school. Upon being dropped off at school by my guardian, Daniel Decker, I was instructed to immediately go inside and contact the principal. *temp metviblarg false *fake_choice *if (report_followed =true) #I followed instructions (truth) *set cia +2 [i] I followed instructions and went inside to speak to Principal Gardner, from whom I received further instructions on what to do. *if (report_followed =false) #I followed instructions [i] I followed instructions and went inside to speak to Principal Gardner, from whom I received further instructions on what to do. *if (report_fight =true) #I infiltrated through a side window and engaged the security guards (truth) *set cia +2 [i] I infiltrated through a side window and, when confronted by security guards, engaged in combat with them. I continued fighting until reaching the principal's office, at which point I received a phone call from Daniel Decker to submit. I did so, and was taken to Principal Gardner, who delivered further instructions. *if (report_submitted =true) #I infiltrated through a side window and submitted to the security guards (truth) *set cia +2 [i] I infiltrated through a side window and, when confronted by security guards, submitted to them and was taken to Principal Gardner, who delivered further instructions. *if (report_fled =true) #I fled the school (truth) *set cia +2 [i] I infiltrated through a side window and, when confronted by security guards, engaged in combat with them. Afterwards, I wandered slightly off school grounds and came across what appeared to be a small gang. After a brief disagreement with one member, I was introduced to their leader, Junior Beach. Shortly after, I returned to the school in time for an assembly, where I received instructions from Principal Garnder along with the rest of the school. #I took a detour [i] I wandered off a bit, but ultimately ended up at the principal's office eventually. *if (report_wander =true) #I went to the roof (truth) *set metviblarg true *set cia +2 [i] I instead climbed up to the roof of the building. There, I came across a female outcast named Vi Myrtal, who appeared to have a strange obsession with me. We went to the assembly together, where I received instructions from Principal Gardner along with the rest of the school. [i] After being dismissed by the principal, I went to my first class. Family and Consumer Science. *fake_choice #Nothing of note [i] The class passed without incident. #I met Toby Hens [i] I met a young male named Toby Hens who immediately began attempting to befriend me. [i] After Family and Consumer Science class finished, I went on my way to my second hour class, Personal Finance. *fake_choice #Nothing of note [i] The class passed without incident. *goto oops *if (memorized_school_layout =false) #I got lost on the way (truth) *set cia +2 [i] My understanding of the layout was flawed, and I got lost on the way to the class. Fortunately, I met Lucy Stein, the student body president, and she was able to guide me to my next class. *goto oops *if (memorized_school_layout =true) #I strayed a bit in finding the place [i] My understanding of the layout was flawed, and I got lost on the way to the class. Fortunately, I was still able to arrive, albeit slightly late. *goto oops *if (second_incident =true) #There was a minor incident (truth) *set cia +2 [i] I had a minor incident due to a flashback induced by my diagnosed PTSD. Teacher intervention was necessary, but nobody was harmed and I was allowed to continue school. *label oops [i] After Personal Finance, I went to my third hour class, Algebra. [i] While there, a female that I would come to know as Jessy Stewart attempted to cause an incident. *if (male =true) [i] She attempted to seduce me, motives unknown. *if (female =true) [i] She attempted to instigate conflict with me, motives unknown. *fake_choice *if (nojessy =true) #I broke her arm (truth) *set cia +2 [i] When she attempted to instigate a dispute, I broke her arm. After receiving my reprimand from the principal, I continued to fourth hour. *if (befriendjessy =true) #I attempted to befriend her (truth) *set cia +2 [i] I attempted to befriend Jessy Stewart in the hopes of defusing the situation. Full results of action taken are yet to be revealed. Afterwards, I continued to fourth hour. *if (befriendjessy =false) #I attempted to befriend her [i] I attempted to befriend Jessy Stewart in the hopes of defusing the situation. Full results of action taken are yet to be revealed. Afterwards, I continued to fourth hour. *if (ignorejessy =true) #I ignored her (truth) *set cia +2 [i] I attempted to ignore Jessy Stewart in the hopes of defusing the situation. Full results of action taken are yet to be revealed. Afterwards, I continued to fourth hour. *if (ignorejessy =false) #I ignored her [i] I attempted to ignore Jessy Stewart in the hopes of defusing the situation. Full results of action taken are yet to be revealed. Afterwards, I continued to fourth hour. *if (annoyjessy =true) #I left her on poor terms (truth) *set cia +2 [i] We left on poor terms. Full results of action taken are yet to be revealed. Afterwards, I continued to fourth hour. *if (annoyjessy =false) #I left her on poor terms *set cia +2 [i] We left on poor terms. Full results of action taken are yet to be revealed. Afterwards, I continued to fourth hour. [i] My fourth hour was Art class. While I was there, I noticed a student who appeared unusually interested in my presence. *if (metviblarg =true) [i] I recognized the student as Vi Myrtal. [i] During the class, me and Vi conversed however the validity of the information gained is questionable, as is her mental state. *goto eek [i] Shortly after class began... *fake_choice *if (report_interrogated =true) #I found and interrogated her (truth) *set cia +2 [i] I was able to corner the female who I learned to be Vi Myrtal. The validity of the information gained is questionable, as is her mental state. *goto eek *if (report_interrogated =false) #I found and interrogated her [i] I was able to corner the female who I learned to be Vi Myrtal. The validity of the information gained is questionable, as is her mental state. *goto eek *if (report_ignoredvi =true) #I ignored her (truth) *set cia +2 *if (metviblarg =true) [i] The female who I recognized as Vi Myrtal fled. I did not pursue. *if (metviblarg =false) [i] The female who I would learn to be Vi Myrtal fled. I did not pursue. *goto eek *if (report_ignoredvi =false) #I ignored her *if (metviblarg =true) [i] The female who I recognized as Vi Myrtal fled. I did not pursue. *if (metviblarg =false) [i] The female who I would learn to be Vi Myrtal fled. I did not pursue. *goto eek *if (report_lostvi =true) #I searched but could not find her (truth) *set cia +2 *if (metviblarg =false) [i] The female I would learn to be Vi Myrtal fled. I pursued but could not find her. *if (metviblarg =true) [i] Vi Myrtal fled. I pursued but could not find her. *goto eek *if (report_lostvi =false) #I searched but could not find her *if (metviblarg =false) [i] The female I would learn to be Vi Myrtal fled. I pursued but could not find her. *if (metviblarg =true) [i] Vi Myrtal fled. I pursued but could not find her. *goto eek *label eek [i] Afterwards, I went to my next class. Language Arts. [i] In this class, Lucy Stein the student council president performed as a substitute teacher. Not long after class began, a group of three males questioned her authority and offered a challenge. *fake_choice *if ((protectlucy =true) or (negotiatelucy =true)) #I assisted her (truth) *set cia +2 [i] I offered what assistance I could to Miss Stein. *if ((protectlucy =false) and (negotiatelucy =false)) #I assisted her [i] I offered what assistance I could to Miss Stein. *if ((protectlucy =false) and (negotiatelucy =false)) #I ignored the situation (truth) *set cia +2 [i] Miss Stein appeared to be capable of handling the situation herself, and she was. The situation was defused without incident or need of intervention. *if ((protectlucy =true) or (negotiatelucy =true)) #I ignored the situation [i] Miss Stein appeared to be capable of handling the situation herself, and she was. The situation was defused without incident or need of intervention. [i] After fifth hour, lunch began. *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto lunch [i] However, before reaching lunch, I was forced into a confrontation with a male that I would later learn to be named Jason Stave. *choice *if (foughtjason =true) #I incapacitated him (truth) *if (foughtjason =true) *set cia +2 [i] After a short altercation, I incapacitated him and left him in the hallway. Then went on my way to lunch. *goto lunch *if (foughtjason =false) #I incapacitated him [i] After a short altercation, I incapacitated him and left him in the hallway. Then went on my way to lunch. *goto lunch *if (interrogatebully =true) #I interrogated him (truth) *if (interrogatebully =true) *set cia +2 [i] I was able to incapacitate and interrogate him, which appeared to be related to a request from his girlfriend. Motives unclear. After the interrogation, I was able to go to lunch. *goto lunch *if (interrogatebully =false) #I interrogated him [i] I was able to incapacitate and interrogate him, which appeared to be related to a request from his girlfriend. Motives unclear. After the interrogation, I was able to go to lunch. *goto lunch *if ((met_jason =false) and (foughtjason =false)) #I avoided him (truth) [i] I was able to avoid him and go to lunch without incident. *goto lunch *if ((met_jason =true) or (foughtjason =true)) #I avoided him [i] I was able to avoid him and go to lunch without incident. *goto lunch *label lunch *if (tobyhostileforlife =true) [i] Unfortunately, relations with Toby may have been permanently damaged. [i] At lunch, *label beginagain *fake_choice *disable_reuse #I ate by Toby [i] I chose to sit by Toby for lunch. *goto afterlunch #I ate by Vi [i] I chose to sit by Vi for lunch. *goto afterlunch *disable_reuse #I ate by Miss Stein [i] I chose to sit by Miss Stein for lunch. *if (report_lucydismiss =true) [i] However, our conversation did not last the entirety of lunch, and I was forced to find somewhere else to eat. *goto beginagain [i] She offered me a position as her bodyguard. *choice #I accepted [i] I accepted her job offer. Afterwards, we went on a short mission to discover the reason behind the increased school security in the area, by her request. [i] While undertaking this mission, we were separated and I was approached by Professor Patel. Overall, no incidents. *goto seventh #I declined [i] I declined her job offer. *goto afterlunch *if (sexynurselucy =true) #I ate with Lucy in the nurse's office [i] In the previous class, I had sustained injuries that made it necessary to go to the nurse's office. Miss Stein insisted on accomponying me and treating me herself. [i] During this interaction, she offered me a position as her bodyguard. *choice #I accepted [i] I accepted her job offer. Afterwards, we went on a short mission to discover the reason behind the increased school security in the area, by her request. [i] While undertaking this mission, we were separated and I was approached by Professor Patel. Overall, no incidents. *goto seventh #I declined [i] I declined her job offer. *goto afterlunch *disable_reuse #I ate by Jessy [i] I chose to sit by Jessy for lunch. *goto afterlunch *disable_reuse #I ate by Junior [i] I chose to sit by Junior for lunch. *if (report_cannot =false) [i] During my visit, I received an opportunity to escape from the school early. *if (report_escaped =true) *set cia +2 [i] We did. [i] After leaving the school, we went to Junior Beach's hangout. Afterwards, I went home. [i] There were brief encounters with Jason Stave and my apparent overseer, Professor Patel, however neither were eventful. I returned home without incident. [i] Afterwards, Daniel Decker took over control over my monitoring. *page_break Submit *goto fuckingdone *else [i] We did not. *goto afterlunch *else *goto afterlunch #I ate alone [i] I chose to sit alone for lunch. *goto afterlunch *label afterlunch [i] Afterwards, I went to my sixth hour, which was Psychology class. There I met my apparent overseer, Professor Patel. The class passed without incident. *label seventh [i] Afterwards, I went to my final seventh hour. History. *if (met_junior =false) [i] There, I met Junior Beach, the leader of a local gang and general delinquent. He walked out shortly after class began. [i] The rest of the class passed without incident, and the school day ended. On my way out, I had a brief encounter with Jason that was similarly uneventful. [i] I returned home without incident. [i] Afterwards, Daniel Decker took over control over my monitoring. *page_break Submit *goto fuckingdone *if (met_junior =true) [i] There, I met Junior Beach again. He walked out shortly after class began. [i] The rest of the class passed without incident, and the school day ended. On my way out, I had a brief encounter with Jason that was similarly uneventful. [i] I returned home without incident. [i] Afterwards, Daniel Decker took over control over my monitoring. *page_break Submit *goto fuckingdone *label fuckingdone With the last box finally filled out, I set the pen aside and roll out my wrist to get out the cramp that had begun to set in. Time will tell if the CIA is satisfied with my report. But I'm done with it, and after today, I'm ready for a rest. I finally lie down in my bed, for the first time in what feels like a very long time. My pistol very close by. My clothes still on, in case I am needed to get ready to move quickly. Tomorrow, Daniel will probably come in and take the report to be submitted to his higher headquarters. After that, I'll go back to that school. Then the day after that. Then the day after that. So...am I alive yet? *page_break Winter *goto_scene 2-1