*set report_escaped true It's a little after noon when we finally make it to the outside. Hot summer winds are blowing strongly and gliding around the air conditioning units to create a sound that almost sounds musical. Junior takes in a long breath. "Ah, smell that air! Can't you just drink it like booze?" He walks over to the side of the building, looks down for a bit, then sits down on the ledge. "Right, well that was exciting. What now?" "I had assumed you had a plan." "Too be honest, this was as far ahead as I was thinking." He confesses with a shrug. "Figured that getting free was the only thing worth thinking about and that the rest would come naturally once the world was our oyster." Hobbs goes over to the ledge and leans against one of the air conditioning units, looking between the two of you. "We could just go to the hangout. I could use something to eat." "How about we let the new one decide." He says while looking at me. "Where'd you like to go?" "The hangout is acceptable. "Hangout it is then," Junior says, followed by him sliding off the edge of the one-story building and rolling into the dirt. Looking over the side, I have to compliment his form. "Come on! I'll lead the way!" *page_break Junior's Hangout *goto_scene 1-12hangout-1