Jessy Stewart: A former child actress, Mary Mason grew up in a society that prided itself on superficial details and glamor. Guided by her mother, Mary excelled in the acting stage. She knew how to act, pretend, and cover up every perceived flaw, and to be whoever she needed to be at any given moment. However, as she grew older, public audience became less interested in her. Fickle as they are, she gradually lost appeal with people, and faded into obscurity. Her mother moved on, abandoning her in all by financial support, desperate to find a new star and begin again. Her father took over her care after that, and she now lives with him. She changed her name to Jessy Stewart, taking her father's last name, and beginning again somewhere else. There's a problem with her, however, all those years of acting and pretending left an unfortunate side effect. She has no idea who she is. What she likes, dislikes, loves, how she feels about certain topics and what her philosophies are. In short, she has absolutely no identity. She is whoever she feels she needs to be, and doesn't have a consistent idea of self. When alone, she has no idea what she wants. For so long, all of her likes and dislikes have been based on the likes and dislikes of the crowd, and when there isn't a crowd, there's just an empty space. Sexuality: Hetero Religious status: Thinks it's stupid. Atheist. Apperence: Picture the red-headed bully from Misao Grade: Junior. Vi Myrtal: When Vi was at the tender age of 9, only a few years older than the MC when they started killing, Vi had an unfortunate incident with home invasion. It was just a single man, but her father was away on work leaving only herself and her mother. Vi herself was a kid, of no interest, so she was shoved in a closet, though carelessly. The door was left slightly ajar. Vi was able to creep out. When she did, she heard noises from the living room, and saw the intruder raping her mother. So Vi picked up a kitchen knife, walked up behind him, and stabbed him in the back. When he fell over, but alive, she knelt down and stabbed him several more times in the neck. Her mother psychologically broke apart at the event, becoming amnesiac and unresponsive on good days, catatonic on bad. Her father, unable to cope with what had happened to the people he loved, killed himself. The police and courts deemed it justifiable self defense, and no punishment was delivered, however the media had a frenzy. Nicknaming her "Enfant Terrible," the facts were quickly construed until barely anyone even knew who it was she killed, or why, and the gory details of the kill were greatly exaggerated. Any school friends she had quickly began distancing themselves from her, or otherwise latching onto the gruesome story and asking innocent and insensitive questions bringing up the horrific memories. There was only one thing that anyone really understood: Vi Myrtal is evil. Has an aunt named Rebecca that looks after her and her mother at home. Sexuality: Demi Religious status: Believes in the Bible fully, however believes that she's too far gone to be saved. Appearence: Grade: Sophmore. Lucy Stein: Lucy's mother died in childbirth. As a result, her father did most of the raising. As a career politician and congressman who also dabbled in criminal enterprises on the side, however, he had a unique and jaded view of the world that probably wasn't the best for her. She grew up believing that power, above all else, was what was most important in the world. The more power one had, the more control they had. And the more control they had, the happier they would be. Given his career and methods, it was natural that the congressman would have enemies. A few of such enemies took Lucy hostage, and threatened to sell her on auctions unless the congressman agreed to lending them his political leverage. The congressman refused, and instead had a swat team sent in with special orders to kill everyone inside except his daughter. Lucy survived, but not exactly unharmed. Being a politician, it would have looked bad to have his own daughter going through psychiatric care, so instead he allowed her to attempt to find her own way. This allowed her to form her own conclusion of what happened: she had been helpless, weak, and afraid. She had no power in that moment. She was completely dependent on the whims of others. Above all else, it was a feeling she would never, ever feel again. She would become powerful. She would amass as much power she could get her hands on, and continue reaching, until everything within sight was under her control. She would never, _ever_ be a victim again. She would achieve unlimited power, until she could finally be completely safe and secure. Until she could finally stop being afraid. Sexuality: Homo Religious status: Believes in the Bible because, upon examining the historical evidence, she decided that it made the most sense out of all the other creation theories. However, this brings her no comfort, as having a divine being completely in control of her life is scary for her. Appearence: Brown hair in a ponytail, well endowed though not immediately noticably due to her preference for business clothing. Grade: Junior Junior Beach: Junior's father left. One day he was there, and the next he wasn't. His mother wasn't financially well off enough to afford to keep them fed, and worked herself to the bone and until her hair started turning gray in order to make sure he never starved. Three jobs, one of them being at night, Junior would watch all through childhood as his mother put everything she had on the line in order to protect those she cared about. He gained a healthy respect for women during that time, and a strong idea about the values of family, and protecting your own. No matter the cost to yourself or to others, a leader's duty was to the ones who belonged to them. When he finally reached his teen years, Junior resolved to pay his mother back. Turning to crime, he quickly made a name for himself as someone who no matter what got thrown at him, never stayed down. He wasn't the strongest, fastest, smartest, or the most ruthless, but he had a determination that let him power through any amount of pain or turmoil until he got what he needed. With this, he eventually had his own gang, and with the income from that, was finally able to get his mother off the street, and live like human beings for once in their lives. Just as he finally accomplished his dream, however, he learned that his mother had contracted an STD. Fatal. His mother had less than a year to live. Sexuality: Bi Religious status: Doesn't think about it. Agnostic. Appearence: Looks and sounds like "cool kid" from Monster Squad. Grade: Senior Daniel Decker: Agent Decker. Military, special forces, SWAT, Vice Cop, and more recently, special agent of the CIA. There are numerous things in his past that could lead to trauma. Parts of the world he's seen in each of his careers that would make a person cold. But he had that rare virtue of being able to completely turn himself off, keep his career persona separate from his personal life, and go through every trauma with a firm belief in goodness. Part of it was his Christian faith, part of it was his natural ability to shrug off heartbreak, but most of it was his daughter, Abbe Decker. Maybe it was Murphy. Maybe it was karma. Maybe it was an asshole writer who wanted to give him a tragic backstory for the sake of drama. The point was, he didn't know why it happened, she just died. Slipped in the shower at the age of fourteen, and hit the back of her head against the edge. Daniel could have gone through any tragedy, seen every horror, and walked away fine, as long as he could live with the assurance that his daughter was okay. Now that assurance was gone, and he finally died inside. He became ruthless, cold, and completely dedicated to his task, which was very useful to the CIA. He quickly became the go-to problem solver, able to confront any issue with absolute focus, free of any distraction. Free of any hope or fear. That's why he was put in charge of dismantling a particularly irritating terrorist cell. He was a perfect weapon, mechanical and efficient, with nothing inside him. Until that last mission, anyway. When he found something precious he thought he'd lost forever. Sexuality: Hetero Religious status: Remains a devout Christian. The idea that his daughter was able to go to heaven is the only thing that brings him any small source of comfort. Appearence: Looks and sounds like Hilshire from Gunslinger Girl. Toby Hens: He has a loving family that taught him good moral fiber and values. He is an upstanding citizen and completely ordinary kid. He's a good guy. Sexuality: Hetero Religious status: Ordinary Christian Appearence: Looks and sounds like the first hero in Recettear. Grade: Freshman Jason Stave: Jason is closeted, yes, but do you know why he is closeted? Because he has severe trust issues. Why does he have severe trust issues, is it because he's gay? No, it's because his parents gave him up for adoption when he was at the age of four, and he's gone through multiple foster parents that ranged from "just go and play while we pretend you're not here" to "stop existing." As far as he's concerned, he's completely on his own and is so used to it that he's become utterly numb to everything. He's given up on everything because nobody has ever been there for him, and he's convinced that nobody ever will be. Sexuality: Homo Religious status: Doesn't think about it. Agnostic. Grade: Junior. Appearence: