*label main [b]Basic Stats[/b] *stat_chart text Name text Sex text Age text favfood Food of Choice *if (ab1 = "Yes") *stat_chart text ability Power or Breath percent amaster Ability Mastery *line_break *stat_chart percent Health *line_break *temp scars "None" *temp comma false *if (scars = true) *set comma true *set scars "None" *if (scar1 = true) *if (comma = true") *set scars &", " *set comma true *set scars &"${scar1_name}" *if (scar2 = true) *if (comma = true") *set scars &", " *set comma true *set scars &"${scar2_name}" *if (scar3 = true) *if (comma = true") *set scars &", " *set comma true *set scars &"${scar3_name}" *if (scar4 = true) *if (comma = true") *set scars &", " *set comma true *set scars &"${scar4_name}" *if (scar5 = true) *if (comma = true") *set scars &", " *set comma true *set scars &"${scar5_name}" *if (scar6 = true) *if (comma = true") *set scars &", " *set comma true *set scars &"${scar6_name}" *if (scar7 = true) *if (comma = true") *set scars &", " *set comma true *set scars &"${scar7_name}" *stat_chart text Scars [b]Looks[/b] *stat_chart text Size text body Body Shape text Eyes text Wings text Legs text Tail text Feet *if (ad1 = "Yes") *stat_chart text adorn1 1st Adornment *if (ad2 = "Yes") *stat_chart text adorn2 2nd Adornment *if (ad3= "Yes") *stat_chart text adorn3 3rd Adornment *line_break *stat_chart text skin Covered In *if (skin = "Scales") *stat_chart text skin2 Color *if (skin3 = "Yes") *stat_chart text skin4 Color text poison Poison Type *if (skin = "Feathers") *stat_chart text skin2 Pattern text feather1 Color *if (feath2 = "Yes") *stat_chart text feather2 Color 2 *if (skin = "Fur") *stat_chart text fur1 Length text fur2 Color text fur3 Pattern [b]Home, Hoards, Caches & Stashes[/b] *stat_chart text Home *line_break *if (((shrine = "No") and (age = "Hatchling")) or (age = "Young Adolescent")) You are too young for people to have noticed you enough to erect any shrines or statues. *if (((shrine = "No") and (age = "Adult")) or (age = "Elder")) You have not elected to allow shrines or statues being erected. *if (shrine = "Yes") *stat_chart text Shrines/Statues *if (castle = "Yes") *stat_chart text castle1 Castle *if (caves = 0) You have no stashes *if (caves > 0) You have ${caves} stashe(s). *choice #Wealth *label wealth [b]Wealth[/b] *stat_chart text Gold *if (smith = "Yes") [b]Gems & Jewels[/b] *stat_chart text sap Sapphires text ruby Rubies text eme Emeralds text dia Diamonds text ame Amethyst text Topaz *line_break [b]Ores & Metals[/b] *stat_chart text gore Gold Ore text iore Iron Ore text sore Silver Ore *line_break [b]Crafted Items[/b] *temp items "None" *temp comma false *if (items = "false") *set comma true *set items "none" *if (isword1) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${isword1_name}" *if (isword2) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${isword2_name}" *if (ssword1) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${ssword1_name}" *if (ssword2) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${ssword2_name}" *if (gsword1) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${gsword1_name}" *if (gsword2) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${gsword2_name}" *if (crown1) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${crown1_name}" *if (crown2) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${crown2_name}" *if (staff1) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${staff1_name}" *if (staff2) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${staff2_name}" *if (staff3) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${staff3_name}" *if (staff4) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${staff4_name}" *if (staff5) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${staff5_name}" *if (staff6) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${staff6_name}" *if (staff7) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${staff7_name}" *if (armor1) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${armor1_name}" *if (armor2) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${armor2_name}" *if (armor3) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${armor3_name}" *if (armor4) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${armor4_name}" *if (armor5) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${armor5_name}" *if (armor6) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${armor6_name}" *if (shield) *if (comma) *set items &", " *set comma true *set items &"${shield_name}" *line_break *choice #Main Menu *goto main #Stats *goto stats #Explanation of Attributes *goto attri #Term Explanations *goto terms #Relationships *goto relation #Knowledge *goto know #Artifacts, Minions, & Others *goto minart #Stats *label stats *stat_chart opposed_pair str Strong Weak opposed_pair agi Agile Klutz opposed_pair dex Dexterous Clumsy opposed_pair int Intelligent Dense opposed_pair chr Silvertongue Ineloquent opposed_pair ste Stealthy Noticeable opposed_pair scare Gentle Intimidating opposed_pair moral Good Evil opposed_pair moral2 Divine Tyrant opposed_pair fair Fair Unfair opposed_pair gods Accepting Despise opposed_pair ppl Love You Fear You *choice #Main Menu *goto main #Wealth *goto wealth #Explanation of Attributes *goto attri #Term Explanations *goto terms #Relationships *goto relation #Knowledge *goto know #Artifacts, Minions, & Others *goto minart #Explanation of Attributes *label attri [i]Blow is a list of the different attributes, explained for clarity.[/i] *line_break *line_break [b]Magick Mastery[/b] - While dragons can use basic magick, the more mastery you have the stronger the spells. It's just simple things like barriers, locator spells (to enhance your senses in select situations), detection barriers (barriers that can detect when creatures get too close) and other simple spells. *line_break [b]Strength[/b] - literally just how strong you are physically, nothing else *line_break [b]Agility[/b] - Describes physical maneuverability for your entire body. How fast you can twist or turn while swimming, flying, fighting. Could also be described as finesse. *line_break [b]Dexterity[/b] - How dexterous your claws, feet, jaw, or wing-claws are. The more agile you are, the easier it may be to pull out small stones, reach into crevices for treasure, or even catch fish (if that's your choice of food). *line_break [b]Intelligence[/b] - How smart you are. The more clever you are, the faster you can think your way through different situations, think quickly in a fight, or simply discover where your missing gold went. *line_break [b]Charisma[/b] - Silvertongues can out talk any other living creature, get them to do almost anything you want, but if you're clumsy with your words you may find humans fearing or listening to you less. *line_break [b]Morality[/b] - Simply how good or evil you are. *line_break [b]Divinity vs Tyranny[/b] - Divine beings are considered gods by the people, while tyrants are usually considered demons or similar. *line_break [b]Fairness[/b] - The more fair you are when ruling people (if that's what you do), the more they will like you. The less fair you are, the less people like you and the less likely they will be to listen to you. *line_break [b]The Gods View[/b] - How the gods see you. The more they like you, the less likely they will be to strike you down. *line_break [b]The Peoples View[/b] - How the people view you, as in love or fear you. Fear is synonymous with hatred here. *line_break *line_break [b]SDwarven Smithing[/b] - *line_break [b]Elven Music[/b] - *line_break [b]Shaman Healing[/b] - *line_break [b]Astral Reading[/b] - *choice #Main Menu *goto main #Wealth *goto wealth #Stats *goto stats #Term Explanations *goto terms #Relationships *goto relation #Knowledge *goto know #Artifacts, Minions, & Others *goto minart #Term Explanations *label terms [i]Different terms that appear in the game.[/i] *line_break *line_break [b]Dragon Runes[/b] - Marks made by dragon teeth, a visual territory or guarded stash warning. Imbued with powerful magicks that are tough to break. *choice #Main Menu *goto main #Wealth *goto wealth #Stats *goto stats #Explanation of Attributes *goto attri #Relationships *goto relation #Knowledge *goto know #Artifacts, Minions, & Others *goto minart #Relationships *label relation [b]Family[/b] *stat_chart text bro1 Status percent brother1 Eldest Brother ${bro2} text bro3 Status percent brother2 Older Brother ${bro4} text sis1 Status percent sister Older Sister ${sis2} *line_break [b]The Ancient Kingdoms[/b] *stat_chart percent Elves percent Dwarves percent Centaurs *line_break [b]Modern Kingdoms[/b] *stat_chart percent wg Guild of Wizards percent hum1 Croia Kingdom percent hum2 Knightfall Cities percent hum3 Thopyus Dynasty *choice #Main Menu *goto main #Wealth *goto wealth #Stats *goto stats #Explanation of Attributes *goto attri #Term Explanations *goto terms #Knowledge *goto know #Artifacts, Minions, & Others *goto minart #Knowledge *label know [i]Languages & knowledge from different races & cultures[/i] *stat_chart text lang Languages Spoken [b]Magick[/b] *stat_chart percent magick Magick Mastery percent mhis Magick History [b]Human Knowledge[/b] *stat_chart percent hhis Human History percent hc Human Culture [b]Elven Knowledge[/b] *stat_chart percent ehis Elvish History percent ec Elvish Culture text eknow Know Pomaiin *if (eknow = "Yes") *stat_chart percent epro Proficiency [b]Dwarven Knowledge[/b] *stat_chart percent dhis Dwarven History percent dc Dwarven Culture text dknow Know Zutya *if (dknow = "Yes") *stat_chart percent dpro Proficiency [b]Centaur Knowledge[/b] *stat_chart percent chis Centaur History percent cc Centaur Culture text cknow Know Roya *if (cknow = "Yes") *stat_chart percent cro Proficiency [i][b]Learned Knowledge from cultures[/b][/i] *stat_chart text smith Dwarven Smithing text music Elven Music text sheal Shaman Healing text astral Astral Reading *choice #Main Menu *goto main #Wealth *goto wealth #Stats *goto stats #Explanation of Attributes *goto attri #Relationships *goto relation #Term Explanations *goto terms #Artifacts, Minions, & Others *goto artmin #Artifacts, Minions, & Others *label artmin [b][i]Artifacts[/i][/b] - [i]Items found throughout the world, give stat boost when found & can be given to the Wizards Guild for bonuses or traded to others for treasures[/i] *line_break [b][i]Minions[/i][/b] - [i]Creatures such as goblins, imps, or other minor creatures that will serve you in exchange for protection, knowledge, or anything they deem valuable[/i] *choice #Artifacts *label art *stat_chart text art1 Pomaiin Book of Magick text art2 Zutya Scroll of Knowledge text art3 Roya Manuscript of Astronomy text art4 Sun Feather text art5 Griffon Feather text art6 Unicorn Horn text art7 Dragon Scale text art8 Hippogryph Talon text art9 Manticore Tail text art10 Scroll of the Gods *choice #Main Menu *goto main #Wealth *goto wealth #Stats *goto stats #Explanation of Attributes *goto attri #Relationships *goto relation #Term Explanations *goto terms #Artifacts, Minions, & Others *goto minart *selectable_if (minions = "Yes") #Minions *goto min *selectable_if (minions = "Yes") #Minions *label min *stat_chart text goblin Goblin Servants text hmin Human Servants text imp Imps & Demons text ele Elementals *choice #Main Menu *goto main #Wealth *goto wealth #Stats *goto stats #Explanation of Attributes *goto attri #Relationships *goto relation #Term Explanations *goto terms #Artifacts, Minions, & Others *goto minart #Artifacts *goto art