*temp mom 0 *temp g1 "Great Dane" *temp g2 "St Bernard" *temp l1 "Dalmatian" *temp l2 "Doberman" *temp l3 "Husky" *temp m1 "Boxer" *temp m2 "Beagle" *temp m3 "Blue Heeler" *temp s1 "Jack Russel" *temp s2 "Pug" *temp s3 "Shiba" *temp t1 "Chihuahua" *temp t2 "Mini Pin" *if ((breed = "Doberman") or (breed = "Pitbull")) *set ears "Cropped" *goto tdock *else *goto tdock *label tdock *if ((breed = "Doberman") or (breed = "Rottweiler")) *set tail "Docked" *goto momstart *else *goto momstart *label momstart *rand mom 1 3 *set age "8 Weeks" *set subbreed2 "Purebred" *if (mom = "1") *set start "1" *goto mom1 *if (mom = "2") *set start "2" *goto mom2 *if (mom = "3") *set start "3" *goto mom3 *label mom1 *page_break The Breeder A rattling noise disturbs you and you look up, blinking away the sleep. A human is opening your kennel. He sets down a bowl of high quality puppy food and a bowl of water before closing the door. You stretch on your bed and get up. Taking a drink and eating a bit of the food, you look out the kennel door. *line_break *line_break Other dogs are being led outside to the outdoor pen, where other humans gawk at them all day. You've started going out there for the past week, but sometimes the other older pups play too rough for you. Your sister is sleeping still so you paw at the door until a human notices and comes over. *set htrain %+2 *line_break She opens the door and latches a collar around your neck with a leash on it. How do you feel about the collar and leash? *set collar "Yes" *choice #Hate them both You despise them with a passion. The collar is uncomfortable and pinches, while the humans here pull your leash too hard and make you stumble too often. *set like %-20 *line_break (like humans -%20) *goto outside1 #Hate the collar, don't mind the leash You hate the collar; it pinches and rubs your neck painfully, especially when the leash is tugged too much. But the leash you don't mind too bad as long as they don't pull hard on it. *set like %-15 *set ltrain %+3 *line_break (like humans -%15, leash training +%3) *goto outside1 #Hate the collar, love the leash The collar you despise. It pinches too hard, especially if the leash is tugged. But the leash itself you love for some reason. Maybe it's because the humans can give you a signal of what they want all by a simple small tug (unless it hurts of course). *set like %+5 *set ltrain %+5 *line_break (like humans +%5, leash training (+%5) *goto outside1 #Don't mind the collar, hate the leash The collar isn't too bad but the leash is unbearable. They usually tug it too hard, making the collar tighter than it needs to be, and sometimes you're jerked to the ground in a tumble of legs and tail. *set like %-10 *line_break (like humans -%10) *goto outside1 #Don't mind the collar, love the leash The collar isn't so bad, but you love the leash. It let's you stay close to the humans and it lets them easily signal to you what they want you to do. *set ltrain %+3 *set like %+10 *line_break (like humans +%10, leash training +%3) *goto outside1 #I could care less You could care less about either of them. Sometimes the collar pinches, sometimes it doesn't. And the humans are good about not tugging the leash hard usually, so it's kind of a 50/50 for you. *goto outside1 #Love the collar, hate the leash You love the collar, which shows you have a human or a home with humans, and you're currently proud of that. But the leash you hate. They pull it too hard most of the time, making you stumble often. *set like %+5 *line_break (like humans +%5) *goto outside1 #Love the collar, don't mind the leash The collar is a joy to you. It shows you have a home with a human, which you are currently proud of. But the leash you don't really have an opinion for. *set like %+15 *set ltrain %+3 *line_break (like humans +%15, leash training +%3) *goto outside1 #Love them both You love them! To you it shows that you belong to the humans. You love the humans and happily follow them around when on the leash or off. *set ltrain %+5 *set like %+20 *line_break (like humans +%20, leash train +%5) *goto outside1 *label outside1 *page_break They lead you outside and unhook the leash when you're out in the yard. *if (size = "Giant") You see Jack Russel's, Pug's, and Shiba's running around already, and a few ${breed}'s like yourself but older. *goto outside2 *if (size = "Large") You see a few Chihuahua's and Mini Pincher's running around already, and a few ${breed}'s like yourself but older. *goto outside2 *if (size = "Medium") You see a few St Bernard's and Great Dane's running around already, and a few ${breed}'s like yourself but older. *goto outside2 *if (size = "Small") You see a few Dalmatian's, Doberman's, and Huskies running around already, and a few ${breed}'s like yourself but older. *goto outside2 *if (size = "Tiny") You see a few Boxer's, Beagle's, and Blue Heeler's running around already, and a few ${breed}'s like yourself but older. *goto outside2 *label outside2 *line_break Their all older than you, but you might play with the ${breed}'s since you usually get along with them better. There's also an agility course for puppies, puzzle toys scattered around, and you see some very interesting new toys you never noticed before. Sleds for working dogs with various weights, strong smells from hidden items for hounds, and various ropes for all dogs for strength training. *line_break The humans here encourage dogs to play with anything they want according to their strengths, but also encourage playing with others. There's a few humans in the yard in different places. What will you do? *choice #Agility Training You walk over to the agility course. Small hoops, a tunnel, weaving poles, a seesaw, and one jump. You walk over to the starting line where a human is waiting. She smiles and pets you, looking happy that you're over here. She motions stay for a moment, which you don't exactly know but are smart enough to know you can't start yet. She takes a few moments making adjustments for your size the sits back down. *line_break You step up to the line and line up your toes like you've seen other dogs do. Some of the other puppies stop what their doing and watch. The human says "Go!" and you shoot off! *line_break *line_break You jump through the first small hoop easily, but take your time through the weaving poles. You got dizzy from them last time so you're more careful this time. Another hoop, this one slightly higher, then the seesaw. It moves, something you expected but still unbalanced you and making you tumble off. Picking yourself up, you reach the tunnel but stumble to a stop. It's a big tunnel, made for large adults, but you don't like the darkness. *line_break You dodge around the tunnel and leap through the third hoop with difficulty, and leap over the small jump with ease. You stand on the End Stage, panting, and let the human give you words of praise. *set agi +1 *set dex +1 *set stamina %-20 *set hunger %-15 *line_break A couple of the other pups cheer for you and one calls out. "Don't worry about the tunnel, it's not that scary!" *line_break You nod and make your way over to the shade for a break and get some water from the big tub. *set stamina %+5 *line_break (agility & dexterity +1, stamina -%20, hunger -%15) *goto chosen *selectable_if ((((subbreed = "Hound") or (subbreed = "Terrier")) or (subbreed = "Sporting")) or (subbreed = "Herding")) #Smell Training You put your nose to the ground and start searching for the training balls with treats on the inside. It takes you awhile, but when you find the first one you get peanut butter! The humans must get up early to refill these. *line_break You follow more smells and give your nose a good workout. The humans watch you, praising you whenever you find a new treat. Some of the other pups join in after awhile, noticing you getting extra treats. *line_break *line_break By sunhigh, you found almost every smell training toy and treat in the yard. Tired now, you head over to the shade and get a drink of water from the big tub of water. *set hunger %-20 *set stamina %-30 *set smell +3 *set int +2 *line_break (smell +3, intelligence +2, stamina -%30, hunger -%20) *goto chosen *selectable_if ((subbreed = "Working") or (subbreed = "Sporting")) #Sled Pulling You head over to the sled and study the strange harness for a moment. It's fairly simple, easy to put on without human help. A loop of leather that goes around your neck and sits on your shoulders and chest, specifically made for puppies. A human is sitting nearby, watching you. *line_break You lift one end of the loop and, using a paw to help maneuver it, slip it over your head. It falls loosely around your neck but when you move forward to pull the sled, it tightens against your shoulders and chest like it's supposed to. You know the humans could help you put it on but you like doing it yourself. *line_break *line_break The other pups all watch, and sometimes cheer, as you pull it across the yard a few times. It's not especially heavy, but you feel stronger afterwards. When you're too tired to pull it anymore, the human helps you get it off so you can take a break in the shady area, where you also get a drink from the big tub of water. *set stamina %-30 *set hunger %-20 *set str +2 *set draft +1 *set dex +1 *line_break (stamina -%30, hunger -%20, strength +2, draft pulling +1, dexterity +1) *goto chosen #Puzzle Toys You approach some of the puzzle toys lying in a heap and smell treats inside. You spend all morning gnawing at different puzzle toys, rolling them around, smacking them, doing whatever you can to get the treats inside. *line_break Some of the other pups join you for awhile and help with any tough ones. By the time sunhigh hits, you've gotten most of the treats and the humans are beginning to refill the empty ones. You decide to take a break in the shade and get some water from the big tub. *set hunger %-15 *set stamina %-20 *set int +3 *line_break (stamina -%20, hunger -%15, intelligence +3) *goto chosen *if (size = "Giant") #Play with the ${s1}'s You walk over to the ${s1}'s and grab a tug rope. One of them grabs the other end but let go quickly when you tug back. They try again but fall away. With a whimper, they all back up. "You're too big….we don't wanna play anymore…." *line_break You whimper and shuffle your paws but decide to go play by yourself. A ${breed} comes over but when you don't respond he leaves you alone. *line_break You decide just to lay in the shade and rest today. *set play %-10 *set pack %-5 *line_break (play -%10, pack -%5) *goto chosen *if (size = "Giant") #Play with the ${s2}'s You walk over to the ${s2}'s and grab a tug rope. One of them grabs the other end but let go quickly when you tug back. They try again but fall away. With a whimper, they all back up. "You're too big….we don't wanna play anymore…." *line_break You whimper and shuffle your paws but decide to go play by yourself. A ${breed} comes over but when you don't respond he leaves you alone. *line_break You decide just to lay in the shade and rest today. *set play %-10 *set pack %-5 *line_break (play -%10, pack -%5) *goto chosen *if (size = "Giant") #Play with the ${s3}'s You walk over to the ${s3}'s and grab a tug rope. One of them grabs the other end but let go quickly when you tug back. They try again but fall away. With a whimper, they all back up. "You're too big….we don't wanna play anymore…." *line_break You whimper and shuffle your paws but decide to go play by yourself. A ${breed} comes over but when you don't respond he leaves you alone. *line_break You decide just to lay in the shade and rest today. *set play %-10 *set pack %-5 *line_break (play -%10, pack -%5) *goto chosen *if (size = "Giant") #Play with the ${breed}'s You run over to the ${breed}'s and start joining in their puppy play. Rolling, shoving, biting, they all make you feel welcome and sometimes let you roll them or knock them down so you don't feel awkward being the youngest one. *line_break *line_break You play for a long time but eventually they begin to break apart, all tired. You yawn and decide to take a break in the shade after getting some water. You feel good though after playing with them. *set str +1 *set agi +1 *set dex +1 *set int +1 *set play %+15 *set pack %+10 *line_break (play +%10, pack +%15) *goto chosen *if (size = "Large") #Play with the ${t2}'s You walk over to the ${t2}'s and grab a tug rope. One of them grabs the other end but let go quickly when you tug back. They try again but fall away. With a whimper, they all back up. "You're too big….we don't wanna play anymore…." *line_break You whimper and shuffle your paws but decide to go play by yourself. A ${breed} comes over but when you don't respond he leaves you alone. *line_break You decide just to lay in the shade and rest today. *set play %-10 *set pack %-5 *line_break (play -%10, pack -%5) *goto chosen *if (size = "Large") #Play with the ${t1}'s You walk over to the ${t1}'s and grab a tug rope. One of them grabs the other end but let go quickly when you tug back. They try again but fall away. With a whimper, they all back up. "You're too big….we don't wanna play anymore…." *line_break You whimper and shuffle your paws but decide to go play by yourself. A ${breed} comes over but when you don't respond he leaves you alone. *line_break You decide just to lay in the shade and rest today. *set play %-10 *set pack %-5 *line_break (play -%10, pack -%5) *goto chosen *if (size = "Large") #Play with the ${breed}'s You run over to the ${breed}'s and start joining in their puppy play. Rolling, shoving, biting, they all make you feel welcome and sometimes let you roll them or knock them down so you don't feel awkward being the youngest one. *line_break *line_break You play for a long time but eventually they begin to break apart, all tired. You yawn and decide to take a break in the shade after getting some water. You feel good though after playing with them. *set str +1 *set agi +1 *set dex +1 *set int +1 *set play %+15 *set pack %+10 *line_break (play +%10, pack +%15) *goto chosen *if (size = "Medium") # Play with the ${g1}'s Their so much bigger than you, but you decide to play with the ${g1}'s anyway. When you walk over, one of the stops you. "Go away pup, you're too small to play with us." He curls his lip back and growls. *line_break You whimper and shuffle your paws but decide to go play by yourself. A ${breed} comes over but when you don't respond he leaves you alone. *line_break You decide just to lay in the shade and rest today. *set play %-10 *set pack %-5 *line_break (play -%10, pack -%5) *goto chosen *if (size = "Medium") # Play with the ${g2}'s Their so much bigger than you, but you decide to play with the ${g2}'s anyway. When you walk over, one of the stops you. "Go away pup, you're too small to play with us." He curls his lip back and growls. *line_break You whimper and shuffle your paws but decide to go play by yourself. A ${breed} comes over but when you don't respond he leaves you alone. *line_break You decide just to lay in the shade and rest today. *set play %-10 *set pack %-5 *line_break (play -%10, pack -%5) *goto chosen *if (size = "Medium") # Play with the ${breed}'s You run over to the ${breed}'s and start joining in their puppy play. Rolling, shoving, biting, they all make you feel welcome and sometimes let you roll them or knock them down so you don't feel awkward being the youngest one. *line_break *line_break You play for a long time but eventually they begin to break apart, all tired. You yawn and decide to take a break in the shade after getting some water. You feel good though after playing with them. *set str +1 *set agi +1 *set dex +1 *set int +1 *set play %+15 *set pack %+10 *line_break (play +%10, pack +%15) *goto chosen *if (size = "Small") #Play with the ${l1}'s Their so much bigger than you, but you decide to play with the ${l1}'s anyway. When you walk over, one of the stops you. "Go away pup, you're too small to play with us." He curls his lip back and growls. *line_break You whimper and shuffle your paws but decide to go play by yourself. A ${breed} comes over but when you don't respond he leaves you alone. *line_break You decide just to lay in the shade and rest today. *set play %-10 *set pack %-5 *line_break (play -%10, pack -%5) *goto chosen *if (size = "Small") #Play with the ${l2}'s Their so much bigger than you, but you decide to play with the ${l2}'s anyway. When you walk over, one of the stops you. "Go away pup, you're too small to play with us." He curls his lip back and growls. *line_break You whimper and shuffle your paws but decide to go play by yourself. A ${breed} comes over but when you don't respond he leaves you alone. *line_break You decide just to lay in the shade and rest today. *set play %-10 *set pack %-5 *line_break (play -%10, pack -%5) *goto chosen *if (size = "Small") #Play with the ${l3}'s Their so much bigger than you, but you decide to play with the ${l3}'s anyway. When you walk over, one of the stops you. "Go away pup, you're too small to play with us." He curls his lip back and growls. *line_break You whimper and shuffle your paws but decide to go play by yourself. A ${breed} comes over but when you don't respond he leaves you alone. *line_break You decide just to lay in the shade and rest today. *set play %-10 *set pack %-5 *line_break (play -%10, pack -%5) *goto chosen *if (size = "Small") #Play with the ${breed}'s You run over to the ${breed}'s and start joining in their puppy play. Rolling, shoving, biting, they all make you feel welcome and sometimes let you roll them or knock them down so you don't feel awkward being the youngest one. *line_break *line_break You play for a long time but eventually they begin to break apart, all tired. You yawn and decide to take a break in the shade after getting some water. You feel good though after playing with them. *set str +1 *set agi +1 *set dex +1 *set int +1 *set play %+15 *set pack %+10 *line_break (play +%10, pack +%15) *goto chosen *if (size = "Tiny") #Play with the ${m1}'s Their so much bigger than you, but you decide to play with the ${m1}'s anyway. When you walk over, one of the stops you. "Go away pup, you're too small to play with us." He curls his lip back and growls. *line_break You whimper and shuffle your paws but decide to go play by yourself. A ${breed} comes over but when you don't respond he leaves you alone. *line_break You decide just to lay in the shade and rest today. *set play %-10 *set pack %-5 *line_break (play -%10, pack -%5) *goto chosen *if (size = "Tiny") #Play with the ${m2}'s Their so much bigger than you, but you decide to play with the ${m2}'s anyway. When you walk over, one of the stops you. "Go away pup, you're too small to play with us." He curls his lip back and growls. *line_break You whimper and shuffle your paws but decide to go play by yourself. A ${breed} comes over but when you don't respond he leaves you alone. *line_break You decide just to lay in the shade and rest today. *set play %-10 *set pack %-5 *line_break (play -%10, pack -%5) *goto chosen *if (size = "Tiny") #Play with the ${m3}'s Their so much bigger than you, but you decide to play with the ${m3}'s anyway. When you walk over, one of the stops you. "Go away pup, you're too small to play with us." He curls his lip back and growls. *line_break You whimper and shuffle your paws but decide to go play by yourself. A ${breed} comes over but when you don't respond he leaves you alone. *line_break You decide just to lay in the shade and rest today. *set play %-10 *set pack %-5 *line_break (play -%10, pack -%5) *goto chosen *if (size = "Tiny") #Play with the ${breed}'s You run over to the ${breed}'s and start joining in their puppy play. Rolling, shoving, biting, they all make you feel welcome and sometimes let you roll them or knock them down so you don't feel awkward being the youngest one. *line_break *line_break You play for a long time but eventually they begin to break apart, all tired. You yawn and decide to take a break in the shade after getting some water. You feel good though after playing with them. *set str +1 *set agi +1 *set dex +1 *set int +1 *set play %+15 *set pack %+10 *line_break (play +%10, pack +%15) *goto chosen *label chosen *page_break You've been snoozing in the shade for awhile when a human comes out and nudges you awake. Yawning, you look up just as they snap a leash into your collar. You get up and follow, dragging your paws because you're not awake fully, expecting to go back to your kennel. The sun is sinking, which means you've been asleep for awhile. You're vaguely aware that the yard is empty, which you find odd. *line_break You're surprised when they lead you through a hole in the fence. Not a door, but an actual hole just big enough for them to get through. You start tugging the leash but they say "Hush" and you go silent. You're afraid of this human; he doesn't smell like the ones you're used to and he doesn't look familiar. *line_break You start to whimper but he says "Hush" again. You stay quiet, getting a foreboding feeling in the bit of your stomach. You feel like making anymore noise would be a bad idea. *set vocal -15 *goto carride *label carride *page_break When you're around the corner, you see a fast-cage sitting behind another fence. It looks like it's hidden though, like when you hide a toy from another pup. You start to wonder where you're going when the male breaks your thoughts by tugging the leash. *line_break You stumble a bit, not expecting a second tug, but walk up to the fast-cage and when he opens the door you leap inside. He helps you, as your really too small to make that kind of jump still, but once inside you look around. *line_break *line_break Black soft seats, blankets piled on the seat, windows in every door and at the front and back. The male gets in up front and suddenly the fast-cage is rumbling! *choice #Run around happily With an excited bark, you race around the back of the fast-cage until the male calls back to you in a sharp voice. At that you just start gnawing on the blanket, trying not to race around. *set vocal %+15 *set jump %-10 *set dex +1 *line_break (vocal +%15, excited -%10, dexterity +1) *goto shelter2 #Lay down, happy You lay down, excited yet calm. You gnaw on the blanket and look out the window, watching the world fly by. *set jump %+10 *line_break (excited +%10) *goto shelter2 #Lay down, curious You lay down on the blanket, more curious than anything. You sit up though when you see the world moving by and watch out the window. *set int +1 *line_break (intelligence +1) *goto shelter2 #Growl & whimper You growl and whimper, looking around. You notice the world starting to fly by and realize the fast-cage is moving! You sit down, whimpering, slightly afraid of the motion, having never been in one since you can remember. *set fear %-15 *set vocal %+10 *line_break (vocal +%10, fear -%15) *goto shelter2 #Panic Your eyes go wide and you start panicking. You let out a volley of fearful barks and run around the back of the fast-cage at high speed. You run around in fear, scared of the movement and sounds. The male up front suddenly blows on a little silver thing in his hand and a shrieking sound pieces your ears. *line_break You whimper and crouch down, your paws over your ears. The sound stops after a moment but you stay crouched like that for a long time. *set fear %-30 *set listen %+10 *set vocal %+25 *set agi +1 *set dex +1 *line_break (fear -%30, listen +%10, vocal +%25, agility +1, dexterity +1) *goto shelter2 *label shelter2 *page_break Your thoughts are broken when you hear the male talking to a little thing he's holding to his ear. "Yeah…..stole…..purebred……..cops? Crap. Maybe……..the shelter……..never find…….leave." *line_break You shudder and wonder what exactly is happening. It doesn't sound good and you don't like the way he's speaking. He sounds…..afraid….and angry. And what are cops? He sounds afraid of them maybe. Maybe he did something bad and cops chase bad humans. You shudder and try to block him out. *goto shelter3 *label shelter3 *page_break The Shelter The rumbling stops and you look out the window. Nothing looks familiar; a large white building looms outside, foreboding and silent. The male breaks your thoughts and opens the door, grabbing your leash and waiting for you to get out. *line_break Once out, he leads you inside the building. Tying you to hook sticking out from the wall inside, he speaks to more humans. Some time passes and you're surprised when he leaves suddenly. You bark a couple times but he's out the door without so much as a glance. *line_break Another human, a female, leans down and pets you gently, speaking softly. "It's…..you'll be……find…..for you." She takes your leash and leads you through a door to where there are other dogs. Some on leashes, some in crates, and you even see cats. *line_break A black cat in a small cage with striking blue eyes catches your eyes and mews, though the sound is lost in the other sounds of the room. *line_break You get taken through another door to where there are large kennels. Dogs are in almost every one. The female leads you to an empty one and leads you inside. There's a blanket, a bowl for food and another for water, and a toy. She unhooks your leash and you look at her. She pets your head once then leaves, closing the cage door behind her. *achieve shelter *achieve first *goto_scene shelter *label mom2 *page_break Crate You yawn and shake out your ${coat} fur. You stretch out and leap out of the crate. It's been your home for the past eight weeks but now it's time for a new home! Mother has been preparing you for this day for a week and you're ready to find a new family of your own! *line_break You walk over to the water dishes and take a drink, then push your way through the doggie door leading to the family room. You don't know why you're kept separate from the humans, but you also don't question it. *line_break You see the human who feeds you and brushes you sitting on the couch. *choice *selectable_if ((size = "Giant") or (size = "Large")) #Lay on the couch You walk over to the couch and reach up, easily pulling yourself up onto the soft surface. Laying down with a small sigh, the human reaches over and pets your head. You see the T.V.'s on and there a human wearing a strange tan suit with golden bands around the arms, waist, and legs. On his head is a strange hat with a clear face protector. *line_break *set like %+7 You see a fire in the background and wonder if this is a fireman. *line_break (like +%7) *goto kitchen *selectable_if (size = "Medium") #Lay in their lap You take a flying leap to get on the couch and for a moment your hind legs wave around, trying to get some kind of purchase. You feel the humans hands around your middle as he lifts you up the rest of the way and sets you in his lap. *line_break Petting your head, he sets the newspaper down. You see the T.V.'s on and there a human wearing a strange tan suit with golden bands around the arms, waist, and legs. On his head is a strange hat with a clear face protector. *line_break *set like %+10 You see a fire in the background and wonder if this is a fireman. *line_break (like +%10) *goto kitchen *selectable_if ((size = "Small") or (size = "Tiny")) #Lay next to their feet You're too small to get up in the couch without some kind of help and the humans busy reading the newspaper, so you lay down at his feet. You hear a grunt and suddenly he lifts you up on the couch next to him. You see the T.V.'s on and there a human wearing a strange tan suit with golden bands around the arms, waist, and legs. On his head is a strange hat with a clear face protector. *line_break *set like %+5 You see a fire in the background and wonder if this is a fireman. *line_break (like +%5) *goto kitchen *label kitchen *line_break *line_break A loud thump distracts you for a moment and you see your mother nudging the gate to the kitchen open. She comes over and leaps up on the couch with you both. She's a ${breed} like you, and since your father was also a ${breed} it means your a purebred. *line_break She gives you a lick. "Watching the firefighters on tv? Their neat. Always rescuing people from fires and falling buildings." *line_break You watch them for awhile then get up and leap onto the floor. Walking into the kitchen, you get some water and food then head outside to the backyard. Your brothers and sisters are all playing and romping around. There's a few pieces for mothers agility course training, a tantalizing scent hangs in the air from the smell training items, and a lot of chew toys used for strength and bite training. There's also a sled with an easy to put on harness for dogs who have the instinct to pull things. Puzzle toys litter the yard everywhere. *line_break You think for a moment. Mothers human used to train dogs for competitions professionally, but now he's older and just breeds ${breed}'s. He's used to the different kinds of things dogs do for competitions so he has a lot of stuff for them, but has always encouraged you and your siblings to play with things that go along with your natural instincts. *line_break *if (subbreed = "Hound") You're a hound dog, used to using your nose for everything. You have good tracking instincts and get excited easily. You also like to dig, but you've personally gotten in trouble for this before. *set dig %-10 *set chase %-15 *set jump %-30 *goto backyard *if (subbreed = "Terrier") You're a terrier, with the impulse and instinct to chase small prey animals. You're a good hunting dog, with decent hearing. Terriers are usually pretty excited dogs, and you're no exception. You're also good at digging, though you've personally gotten in trouble for this before. *set chase %-25 *set dig %-25 *set jump %-20 *goto backyard *if (subbreed = "Sporting") Sporting dogs like you are good hunters; decent tracking skills but also pretty fast. You're also good in shows, being versatile in many different competitions. Sporting dogs are usually pretty calm too, but sometimes not, depending on their breed. *rand jump 30 70 *goto backyard *if (subbreed = "Working") Working class dogs like you are guards, sled pullers, and decent as herding dogs. Good eyes and ears, with a naturally loyal and calm disposition. Working class dogs are pretty varied in their calmness, which is usually essential depending on their type of work. *rand jump 30 70 *goto backyard *if (subbreed = "Companion") As a companion dog you don't have the same hunting instincts as sporting, hound, and terrier type dogs, and you're usually too friendly to be a guard dog. But you have good memory and are friendly with all. Unfortunately you get excited too often and know you can get annoying. Must be a companion dog thing. *rand jump 40 80 *goto backyard *if (subbreed = "Herder") A herding dog, you have instincts to herd various things into a pile by nudging them, but know that if you were around other animals you would do the same. Good eyesight and excellent hearing help you with this, but herders are especially known for being fast. You're naturally calm too so that helps. *set jump %+30 *set chase %+5 *set dig %+5 *goto backyard *label backyard *choice *selectable_if ((((subbreed = "Hound") or (subbreed = "Terrier")) or (subbreed = "Sporting")) or (subbreed = "Herding")) #Smell Training You put your nose to the ground and start searching for the training balls with treats on the inside. It takes you awhile, but when you find the first one you get peanut butter! The male must have been up early to refill this. *line_break You follow more smells and give your nose a good workout. *line_break *line_break By sunhigh, you found almost every smell training toy and treat in the yard. You head inside for some food and drink. *set hunger %-20 *set stamina %-30 *set smell +3 *set int +2 *line_break (hunger -%20, stamina -%30, smell +3, intelligence +2) *goto inside *selectable_if ((subbreed = "Working") or (subbreed = "Sporting")) #Sled Pulling You head over to the sled and study the strange harness for a moment. It's fairly simple, easy to put on without human help. A loop of leather that goes around your neck and sits on your shoulders and chest, specifically made for puppies. *line_break You lift one end of the loop and, using a paw to help maneuver it, slip it over your head. It falls loosely around your neck but when you move forward to pull the sled, it tightens against your shoulders and chest like it's supposed to. *line_break *line_break Your siblings all watch, and sometimes cheer, as you pull it across the yard a few times. It's not especially heavy, but you feel stronger afterwards. At sunhigh, one of them helps you get it off so you can take a break. *set stamina %-30 *set hunger %-20 *set str +2 *set draft +1 *set dex +1 *line_break (stamina -%30, hunger -%20, strength +2. draft pulling +1, dexterity +2) *goto inside *selectable_if (not (subbreed = "Companion")) #Agility Training You pad over to the agility course and sniff around. Your mothers scent is all over every piece. Different size hoops, a seesaw, a tunnel, and weaving poles. You step up to the starting line…..wait a moment…..then take off! *line_break You leap through the low hoop easily, but the biggest one you avoid. Only mother is big enough to leap through that one; you will when you're older, but you're still too small now. The seesaw proves a major challenge. Though you've seen it move, you've never actually been on it yourself and tumble off when it starts going down. *line_break The poles you take slowly, taking care not to make yourself dizzy. The tunnel frightens you though and you stumble to a stop. You whimper and back away, not liking the darkness and small confined space inside. *line_break You decide just to run around it and stand on the End Stand when you're done. You wait a moment to catch your breath then run the course again, avoiding the tunnel again. *line_break *line_break After you've run it two more times, you stop and head inside for some water and food. *set stamina %-40 *set hunger %-25 *set agi +1 *set spe +1 *set dex +1 *line_break (stamina -%40, hunger -%25, agility speed & dexterity +1) *goto inside #Puzzle toys You approach some of the puzzle toys lying in a heap and smell treats inside. You spend all morning gnawing at different puzzle toys, rolling them around, smacking them, doing whatever you can to get the treats inside. *line_break Some of your siblings join you for awhile and help with any tough ones. When it reaches sunhigh however, you head inside for some water. *set hunger %-15 *set stamina %-20 *set int +3 *line_break (hunger -%15, stamina -%20, intelligence +3) *goto inside #Play with siblings You run over to your siblings and romp around with them for a long while. Biting, shoving, rolling over, all the puppy stuff. Your sisters are especially adept at rolling you off your feet, while your brothers are fast nippers. *line_break At sunhigh you break away from the pup pack and make your way inside tired, happy, and hungry. *set stamina %-20 *set hunger %-15 *set str +1 *set dex +1 *set play %+20 *line_break (stamina -%20, hunger -%15, strength +1, dexterity +1, pack +%20) *goto inside *label inside *page_break *set hunger %+15 *set stamina %+15 Once inside and your belly full of food, you look for a spot to lay down but are distracting by mothers human talking with a stranger. *line_break Mother walks over to you. "I was just going to come get you and your siblings. Somethings wrong." Without another word, she heads outside and you hear her bark. She comes back inside, your siblings in tow, You follow as she leads you all into the room you sleep in. *line_break *line_break Once everyone is settled, an uneasy feeling in the air, she turns to you all. "Pups, this is bad. My human, whose been good to me for many years, is giving us up." *line_break The other pups all break out into little whimpers of worry; you stay silent, shocked. *set vocal %-5 *line_break She shushes you quickly. "Now calm down, it'll be ok. My human is a good person, he wouldn't send you to bad homes. He's been speaking to the neighbors and seeing if any will take one of you. Their all good people, some have dogs and others are willing to learn. The male outside with him right now is going to take one of you to a friend of his; he's been saying how his friend can help you find a good home." *choice #"Who's being taken?" Your mother flattens her ears. "Well….I'm not entirely sure. Neither will say names, but one of you is leaving tonight before bed." She shakes her head. "Now, I think you should all stay in here for tonight until the humans come get someone." She stands up and leave the room, calling over her shoulder. "I'll stay outside the room and listen; maybe then I can give you a warning for whose going away." *line_break You shudder and curl up in the basket. You decide to rest before she comes back. *goto leavehome #"Why can't we stay here?" Your mother pauses, her head tilted. "Well….I think it's because my human can't take care of all of us anymore. The past few years he's been getting older, he even has to take longer lasting walks with me because he can't walk as fast." She sighs. "I don't want any of you to leave like this, but I also love him and don't want him to suffer." *line_break You whine softly, understanding. You had noticed that he doesn't move all that fast, but at first you had always thought it was just how humans were until some younger humans visited him last week and they moved much faster. *set int +1 *set moral %+5 *line_break She shakes her head and heads through the door. "Get some rest, I'll stay outside and listen to them alright? Stay in here until I get back." *line_break With a sigh, you curl up in the blanket and try to rest. *line_break (intelligence +1, moral +%5) *goto leavehome #Stay silent When no one speaks up, mother sighs. "I'll stay outside with them and listen, alright? I'll come back if i hear anything you need to know." *line_break As she leaves the room, you curl up in the blanket and try to rest. *goto leavehome *label leavehome *set stamina 100 *page_break Mother shakes you awake. "You must get up Taylor, the human chose you." *line_break You scramble to your paws, your heart beating hard in your chest. Mother leads you out and you see the males waiting on the couch. The younger one leans down towards you. Mother sits next to her human, looking sad. *choice #Attack him You growl and lunge at him, but suddenly mother shoots forward and body checks you to the ground. "You do not attack humans!" She snarls in your face. *line_break Hurt, physically and mentally, you get up and allow the male to pet your head tentatively. After a moment, he brings out a collar and snaps it around your neck. You don't react, afraid of mother knocking you down again. *set health %-3 *set collar "Yes" *set moral %-15 *set biter %-5 *set like %-10 *line_break (health -%3, collar yes, moral -%15, bite -%5, like -%10) *goto theleash #Bark at him You growl and bark at him, but mother comes over and cuffs your ear. "Be nice, he's promised to give you to a good home." *line_break He pets you tentatively and pulls out a collar and snaps it around your neck. You don't react, afraid mother will cuff you again. *set vocal %+10 *set like %-8 *set collar "Yes" *set moral %-8 *line_break (vocal +%10, like -%8, collar yes, moral -%8) *goto theleash #Growl at him You growl at him, but quiet down at a stern glance from mother. *line_break *set vocal %+5 He reaches down and pats your head then pulls out a collar. You growl softly as he snaps it around your neck. *set like %-3 *set collar "Yes" *goto theleash #Run to mother You whimper and run to mother, afraid of this strange male. She gives you an encouraging lick and walks back over to him with you. "It's alright Taylor, he won't hurt you. I promise." *line_break *set collar "Yes" *set fear %-5 You flatten your ears as he reaches out and pets you. He pulls out a collar and, still petting you, snaps it around your neck. You whimper but mother gives you another lick. *goto theleash #Sniff him You sniff his hand cautiously but he smells ok. He gives you a few pats and pulls out a collar. You stay still as he snaps it around your neck. *set jump %+5 *set like %+3 *set collar "Yes" *goto theleash #Greet him You give a happy bark and happily accept his petting. You notice him bring out a collar and feel it snap around your neck, all while he's still petting you. Mother gives a soft but happy bark, clearly pleased. *set like %+10 *set moral %+5 *set vocal %+3 *set collar "Yes" *goto theleash *label theleash *line_break *line_break You watch the male as he brings out a leash and clips it to your collar. He stands up, says a few words to mothers male, then starts to walk away. After a moment, the leash tightens and he stops, looking back at you. You look at the leash, which is now stretched almost taut between your collar and his hand. *choice #Leap Ahead You bark and leap ahead of him, but are stopped and jerked to the ground. A terrible pressure from the collar had stopped you! You gasp for breathe for a moment, scared. *line_break The male leans down and checks your neck, then rubs you gently. You calm down but when he starts walking again you still walk ahead of him. *set health %-3 *set fear %-3 *set like %+2 *set rank %+3 *set vocal %+5 *set ltrain %+5 *goto thecar #Walk alongside him You bark and walk next to him, keeping pace as he leads you back to the others. *set like %+3 *set vocal %+2 *set listen %+3 *set ltrain %+10 *goto thecar #Walk behind him You whimper softly and walk behind him, unsure of this leash. It doesn't exactly frighten you, but you don't like it either. *set rank %-3 *set like %-1 *set ltrain %+5 *goto thecar #Growl at the leash You growl at the leash, but when he tugs it again you follow, still growling. *set moral %-2 *set vocal %+1 *set like %-2 *set ltrain %+4 *goto thecar #Bark at the leash You bark at the leash, not liking it. He tugs it again but you continue to bark. Finally, after a sharp word, a cuff on the ears, and another tug you follow but keep growling. *set like %-5 *set moral %-4 *set vocal %+5 *set ltrain %+3 *goto thecar #Attack the leash You give a loud bark and lunge at the leash, startling all the humans. The male holding it drops the end, which you attack viciously. You do your best trying to destroy it but he quickly recovers and cuffs the side of your head hard. *line_break You back off with a whimper as he grabs it and gives a hard tug. *set moral %-15 *set vocal %+10 *set like %-10 *set ltrain %+1 *goto thecar *label thecar *page_break When you step outside, you see a fast-cage sitting there. It's smaller than the one mothers human has, but you know this is how you'll be leaving. You start to wonder where you're going when the male breaks your thoughts by tugging the leash. *line_break You stumble a bit, not expecting a second tug, but walk up to the fast-cage and when he opens the door you leap inside. He helps you, as your really too small to make that kind of jump still, but once inside you look around. *line_break *line_break Black soft seats, blankets piled on the seat, windows in every door and at the front and back. the male gets in up front and suddenly the fast-cage is rumbling! *choice #Run around happily With an excited bark, you race around the back of the fast-cage until the male calls back to you in a sharp voice. At that you just start gnawing on the blanket, trying not to race around. *set vocal %+15 *set jump %-10 *set dex +1 *goto shelter #Lay down, happy You lay down, excited yet calm. You gnaw on the blanket and look out the window, watching the world fly by. *set jump %+10 *goto shelter #Lay down, curious You lay down on the blanket, more curious than anything. You sit up though when you see the world moving by and watch out the window. *set int +1 *goto shelter #Growl & whimper You growl and whimper, looking around. You notice the world starting to fly by and realize the fast-cage is moving! You sit down, whimpering, slightly afraid of the motion, having never been in one since you can remember. *set fear %-15 *set vocal %+10 *goto shelter #Panic Your eyes go wide and you start panicking. You let out a volley of fearful barks and run around the back of the fast-cage at high speed. You run around in fear, scared of the movement and sounds. The male up front suddenly blows on a little silver thing in his hand and a shrieking sound pieces your ears. *line_break You whimper and crouch down, your paws over your ears. The sound stops after a moment but you stay crouched like that for a long time. *set fear %-30 *set listen %+10 *set vocal %+25 *set agi +1 *set dex +1 *goto shelter *label shelter *page_break The Shelter The rumbling stops and you look out the window. Nothing looks familiar; a large white building looms outside, foreboding and silent. The male breaks your thoughts and opens the door, grabbing your leash and waiting for you to get out. *line_break Once out, he leads you inside the building. Tying you to hook sticking out from the wall inside, he speaks to more humans. Some time passes and you're surprised when he leaves suddenly. You bark a couple times but he's out the door without so much as a glance. *line_break Another human, a female, leans down and pets you gently, speaking softly. "It's…..you'll be……find…..for you." She takes your leash and leads you through a door to where there are other dogs. Some on leashes, some in crates, and you even see cats. *line_break A black cat in a small cage with striking blue eyes catches your eyes and mews, though the sound is lost in the other sounds of the room. *line_break You get taken through another door to where there are large fences forming large cages. Dogs are in almost every one. The female leads you to an empty one and leads you inside. There's a blanket, a bowl for food and another for water, and a toy. She unhooks your leash and you look at her. She pets your head once then leaves, closing the cage door behind her. *achieve shelter *achieve first *goto_scene shelter *label mom3 *page_break Cage *set sick "Yes" *set health 50 *set stamina 70 *set hunger 40 You open your yes and peer out from the cage door. It's still dark out, but you can hear the other dogs moving in their cages. A few whimpers of pain sound loud in the otherwise quiet room. You sigh and close your eyes, trying to get some sleep before the humans come again. *page_break The Humans When you wake up, you see the sunlight coming through a window with a dark drape over it. It doesn't let in a lot of light, but enough that you can see the humans walking around and refilling water and food dishes. Another human is removing the tray underneath each cage; it catches any urine and poop, so at least the dogs under someone don't usually get peed on. Yours is already gone, letting you see the dog beneath you. A female stops by your cage and opens the door. *choice #Bark at her You try to summon the strength to bark at her, but she's filled your food and water and closed the door before you get the chance. With a weak whimper, you gulp down some of the slimy and foul tasting water. You give the food a sniff; it smells ok this time, so you eat a bit. *set hunger %+5 *set vocal %+2 *set moral %-5 *goto cagemorn #Growl at her You try to summon the strength to growl at her, but she's filled your food and water and closed the door before you get the chance. With a weak whimper, you gulp down some of the slimy and foul tasting water. You give the food a sniff; it smells ok this time, so you eat a bit. *set hunger %+5 *set vocal %+1 *set moral %-2 *goto cagemorn #Attack her You stand up weakly and try to summon the strength to attack her, but she's filled your food and water and closed the door before you get the chance. With a weak whimper, you gulp down some of the slimy and foul tasting water. You give the food a sniff; it smells ok this time, so you eat a bit. *set hunger %+5 *set moral %-10 *set like %-5 *set fear %-5 *goto cagemorn #Ignore her You ignore her as she fills up your food and water. You sit up when she shuts the door and drink some of the foul tasting and slimy water. You sniff the food; it smells ok this time, so you eat a bit. *set hunger %+5 *goto cagemorn #Lick her hand You reach forward to lick her hand, but she's filled your food and water and closed the door before you get the chance. With a weak whimper, you gulp down some of the slimy and foul tasting water. You give the food a sniff; it smells ok this time, so you eat a bit. *set hunger %+5 *set moral %+2 *set like %+1 *goto cagemorn #Greet her You painfully wag your tail and give a weak but friendly bark, but she fills your food and water and closes the door without paying any attention to you. With a weak whimper, you gulp down some of the slimy and foul tasting water. You give the food a sniff; it smells ok this time, so you eat a bit. *set hunger %+5 *set like %+3 *set moral %+5 *goto cagemorn *label cagemorn *line_break *line_break As you lay down, the sun rises more until finally the entire room can be seen easily. You see big cages, small cages, all kinds of different sizes. Each has a different dog inside; you recognize your sister in the one across from you. You give a weak bark, but she either doesn't hear you or ignores you. *line_break You're not surprised. Most dogs in here don't talk much, and the ones that do either say how much they hate humans, how they think they'll try to escape next, or talk about how they want to find a loving human. The dogs who do the latter always have this look of rapture on their faces; it actually creeps you out. *line_break You think about your cage with a pang of sadness and anger. It's just big enough for you to stand up and lay down, but it's a tight squeeze to turn around and one end holds two bowls. There's a ratty blanket piled in the corner; it's been here since you were brought here two weeks ago and no humans come to clean it. It's rank and smells like your own feces, so you shoved it to the corner a few days ago and vowed never to use it until they clean it. *line_break Your fur is also matted in places and you feel filthy. *set humview %-15 *page_break A loud barking from below you breaks your thoughts. It's the German Shepherd in his cage, finally going crazy it seems. He was there before you came and you know it won't be long til he's taken away. *line_break The humans seem to leave dogs in here for awhile after their taken from their moms, then maybe after a few weeks to a few months the dogs are taken away. Three have been taken in the past four days and you never see them again. You know some have been here for other a month because either dogs go crazy or they ust get realyl sad and start talking aloud. *choice #Ignore him You ignore him and his barking and look elsewhere. You suddenly feel a jolting from below and look to see him attacking his cage door savagely. You stumble against your cage side, you paw twisting under you painfully as a claw catches the mesh. *set health %-5 *line_break After a few minutes, you hear a screeching sound and look down. Amazingly, impossibly, he has opened his door! Every dog watches as he thrust open the door and bolts for the door where the humans come in. *line_break You hold your breathe as the door opens suddenly and a human scoops him up. He barks and tries to bite them, but to no avail. They shove something black over his muzzle, keeping him from biting them and it muffles his barks. You cringe away to the back of your cage; you are vaguely aware of every other dog in the room doing the same. *set like %-5 *line_break He keeps struggling but they take him out of the room and close the door. You hear a long drawn out puppy howl that fades until finally, silence. You shiver and hope he's ok. *set moral %+1 *goto cagenoon #Tell him to shut up "Hey, can you just shut up? You want the humans to take you away?" Your voice comes out gravely; you don't speak often. *set cpack2 25 *set moral %-5 *set vocal %-25 *line_break He looks up at you, his eyes wild. "Yes! I'm cramped from being in this stupid cage!" He starts attacking the cage door suddenly, jolting your own cage. You stumble against your cage side, you paw twisting under you painfully as a claw catches the mesh. *set health %-5 *line_break After a few minutes, you hear a screeching sound and look down. Amazingly, impossibly, he has opened his door! Every dog watches as he thrust open the door and bolts for the door where the humans come in. *line_break You hold your breathe as the door opens suddenly and a human scoops him up. He barks and tries to bite them, but to no avail. They shove something black over his muzzle, keeping him from biting them and it muffles his barks. You cringe away to the back of your cage; you are vaguely aware of every other dog in the room doing the same. *set like %-5 *line_break He keeps struggling but they take him out of the room and close the door. You hear a long drawn out puppy howl that fades until finally, silence. You shiver and hope he's ok. *set moral %+1 *goto cagenoon #Comfort him You crouch down and speak as soothingly as you can, your voice rough from lack of use. "Hey, easy. You're going to hurt yourself if you don't stop." *set cpack2 30 *set moral %+5 *set vocal %-20 *line_break He looks up at you. "I don't care! I just want out of here!" He starts attacking the cage door suddenly, jolting your own cage. You stumble against your cage side, you paw twisting under you painfully as a claw catches the mesh. *set health %-5 *line_break After a few minutes, you hear a screeching sound and look down. Amazingly, impossibly, he has opened his door! Every dog watches as he thrust open the door and bolts for the door where the humans come in. *line_break You hold your breathe as the door opens suddenly and a human scoops him up. He barks and tries to bite them, but to no avail. They shove something black over his muzzle, keeping him from biting them and it muffles his barks. You cringe away to the back of your cage; you are vaguely aware of every other dog in the room doing the same. *set like %-5 *line_break He keeps struggling but they take him out of the room and close the door. You hear a long drawn out puppy howl that fades until finally, silence. You shiver and hope he's ok. *set moral %+1 *goto cagenoon *label cagenoon *page_break New Dog When the sun is at its brightest, the door opens again. You look up and see a new dog being brought in. She's small, black, and has a short tail that's so matted you imagine its probably fluffy. Her fur is clumped and disgusting. The humans walk over and stick her in the cage below you. They fill up her water and food bowls then shut the door and leave. *choice #Ignore her You yawn and ignore her. After a few moments, it starts. She suddenly gets up and races around the cage at high speed, barking at the top of her lungs. *line_break You flinch. This happens to everyone when they come here for the first time. You panicked too, not knowing at the time that the humans would ignore you. Or worse, they wouldn't. A few days ago a Beagle pup hadn't shut up for three days. When the humans came in, they grabbed him by the scruff, shook him terribly, and hit him until he was quiet. Now he just sits in his cage, not eating or drinking. When he does move, you can see it's incredibly painful and that he's given up. *line_break You shudder and close your eyes for a few moments, then open them again because you don't want to think about that. *set like %-10 *goto cagenoon2 #Say hello "Hey, you alright?" You look down at her, trying to catch a glimpse of her face in all that black fur. *line_break *set moral %+2 She looks up. "H-h-hi. Where am I? W-w-where's mother?" Her eyes start to widen and you brace yourself for what's about to happen. She suddenly gets up and races around the cage at high speed, barking at the top of her lungs. *line_break You flinch and turn away. This happens to everyone when they come here for the first time. You panicked too, not knowing at the time that the humans would ignore you. Or worse, they wouldn't. A few days ago a Beagle pup hadn't shut up for three days. When the humans came in, they grabbed him by the scruff, shook him terribly, and hit him until he was quiet. Now he just sits in his cage, not eating or drinking. When he does move, you can see it's incredibly painful and that he's given up. *line_break You shudder and close your eyes for a few moments, then open them again because you don't want to think about that. *set like %-10 *goto cagenoon2 *label cagenoon2 *line_break You look at your cage door, like you do every day at this time. *label studycage1 *choice *disable_reuse #Hook You study the hook the humans use to open it. It lifts up and slides over to lock the door. It looks simple, but it's surprisingly not. You run your eyes over the slender shape, trying to see where it lefts up and slides. There's a small piece of metal that keeps it from sliding when it's hanging down like this, but it doesn't catch when the hook lifts up. *set int +1 *choice #Try to lift it You stick your paw through and try to lift the latch. You manage to push it out a bit, but it falls down with a small [i]tink[/i]. You snort and try again, but with the same result. After it falls again, you look at the rest of the cage. *set dex +1 *goto studycage1 #Leave it alone You leave it alone and look at the rest of the cage. *goto studycage1 *disable_reuse #Hinges You look at the hinges holding the door to the cage. You know what their called because you heard another dog talking about them when you first got here. They look like their part of the cage; two hooks that hold the front and back end against the sides, while a third holds it against the top. The back faces a wall, so you ignore it. *set int +1 *choice #Push against the front You get up and brace yourself against the front of the cage. With as much strength as you can muster, you push against the front but it doesn't budge. You push a few more times, but then collapse, your strength spent. You rest for a few moments then look at the cage again. *set str +1 *set stamina %-15 *set health %-5 *goto studycage1 #Push against the top You get up and brace yourself against the top of the cage. There's a dog above you, but he ignores you. With as much strength as you can muster, you push against the top but it doesn't budge. You push a few more times, but then collapse, your strength spent. You rest for a few moments then look at the cage again. *set str +1 *set stamina %-15 *set health %-5 *goto studycage1 #Ignore them You ignore the hinges and look at the rest of the cage. *goto studycage1 #Bars You study the bars that surround you. A dog on your left, a dog on your right, and two sets of bars between you and them. Bars in the back,but they're against the wall so you ignore them. The bars are all made of metal, which hurts your teeth. There's enough room to slip a paw through, or maybe a muzzle, if it's narrow enough. *choice *disable_reuse *selectable_if ((((muzzle = "Long Narrow")) or (muzzle = "Narrow")) or (muzzle = "Short Narrow")) #Wiggle the door with your muzzle You slip your muzzle through the bars and wiggle the door around. It starts clanging a bit but you hear a thump on the door leading outside the room, making you jump. Your muzzle hurts now, so you decide to try something else. *set health %-1 *set int +1 *set dex +1 *goto studycage1 *disable_reuse #Wiggle the door with your paws You stick your paws through two openings at the bottom of the door and wiggle as hard as you can. It starts clanging a bit but you hear a thump on the door leading outside the room, making you jump. Your paws feel sore now, so you decide to try something else. *set int +1 *set str +1 *set health %-1 *goto studycage1 #Do something else You decide to try something else. *goto studycage1 #Take a nap You yawn and decide to take a nap. The cage is very tough to open and you're tired. You lay your head on your paws and close your eyes just as two humans walk in and replace the trays under you. *goto cagenight *label cagenight *page_break *set stamina %+30 You wake up when the sun has fallen and sit up, stretching as best as you can. Night time is always your favorite time of day, because it's the only time you might get out of the cage for a short while. As you sit up, the door opens and a human comes in with three leashes. You watch him, hoping he stops by your cage. *line_break The Beagle is chosen, surprisingly, but you can tell it hurts him to walk. You want to call out, but don't want the human to get mad at you so you stay quiet. *set vocal %-2 *line_break The human walks around, looking at each cage before choosing a big black dog you think is called a Newfoundland, as well as something called a Doberman. You don't like the Doberman. He looks mean; his amber eyes scan the room in a disdainful way, showing anger and cruelty in it's depths. You hear a few whines from some of the others as the human leads all three out. *page_break You take a few bites of food as the door opens and the human comes back in. *set hunger %+5 You look up and see the Beagle missing; you let out an involuntary whimper, hoping he's ok. The human puts the other two back in their cages and leave the room. With a sigh, you decide to settle down for the night. *set moral %+1 *page_break Morning *set health %+2 *set stamina %+15 When you wake up, you feel like somethings about to happen. There's a strange energy in the air, like a storm about to break. Looking around, you can tell some of the others feel it too. *label morn *choice *disable_reuse #Eat You eat the last of the food in your bowl, knowing the humans will be here soon to refill it. *set hunger %+15 *goto morn *disable_reuse #Drink You drink the rest of your water, hating the slimy texture and foul taste, knowing the humans will be here soon to refill it. *set stamina %+20 *goto morn #Watch the door You turn to the door and wait, the energy in the air almost visible. Every dog seems to be waiting for something, including you. *goto humans *label humans *line_break *line_break The door suddenly burst open and strange humans burst into the room. A couple of them stop and stare at all the dogs, their mouths open with surprise, while a few go around looking at each dog. After a few minutes, you see them grabbing the worst of the dogs and carrying them out. A few of the humans stay in the room, checking each dog thoroughly. A female stops in front of your cage. *choice #Lunge at her You lunge at the door, barking furiously and scrabbling at the door, trying to get it open. You don't know her, but you don't want her here. *set moral %-10 *set vocal %-10 *line_break She makes a gentle sound, not opening the door. You catch a few words, not understanding their language very well. "Poor…..hates humans…..dirty……vet." *set int +1 *line_break Another human appears, a male, and he pulls out what looks like a small cage. But this one is strange; it's gray with small holes peppered through the sides and a metal cage door on one end. He opens it and places it on the floor. The female puts on some kind of covering on her hands and opens your door. *line_break You cringe back as both her hands reach through and grab you around the middle, but the touch is gentle; you've never felt a touch like this before. She gently lifts you up and places you in the strange cage. *set like %+2 *line_break Another human, one you can't see, picks up the cage suddenly and carries you through the door. They take you past the room where you know your mother was, if she's still there or not you have no idea, and through another door. *line_break You shut your eyes suddenly; you're outside completely now, and it's brighter than you could've imagined out here. The cage is places on top of something and you look outside the holes. *line_break *line_break To each side of you, there's a window with a strange wall. The window is huge. To the back, you see some kind of place to sit with high backs and something you think is called a tire, but much smaller than what your mother told you about. You turn to look out the cage door, which provides the best view. *line_break The first thing you see is your sister in another strange cage and placed next to you. You can see many other humans outside. you recognize the humans you've been seeing since you were born, but there are some humans that are dressed strangely. They are all wearing the same clothes, with a shiny thing on their shirts and something covering the fur on their heads. They move with purpose and remind you of the stories your mother told you about some humans called "police" that are like guard dogs, but instead they guard humans. She once told you that sometimes they work with dogs. *line_break *line_break A few more dogs are brought out in the strange cages, then suddenly a door swings in front of you and closes right in front of your cage. Then whatever your in, you wonder if it's a fast-cage your mother once mentioned, starts rumbling and you feel yourself moving. You sigh and lay your head down, waiting for something else to happen. *set int +1 *set sight +1 *goto vetoffice #Bark at her You let out a volley of barks, trying to scare her away. You don't know her, but you don't want her here. *set vocal %+5 *set fear %+2 *line_break She frowns and says something in a gentle sounding and soothing voice. You catch a few words. "It's….baby…..safe now…..dirty….vet." *set int +1 *line_break Another human appears, a male, and he pulls out what looks like a small cage. But this one is strange; it's gray with small holes peppered through the sides and a metal cage door on one end. He opens it and places it on the floor. The female puts on some kind of covering on her hands and opens your door. *line_break You cringe back as both her hands reach through and grab you around the middle, but the touch is gentle; you've never felt a touch like this before. She gently lifts you up and places you in the strange cage. *set like %+2 *line_break Another human, one you can't see, picks up the cage suddenly and carries you through the door. They take you past the room where you know your mother was, if she's still there or not you have no idea, and through another door. *line_break You shut your eyes suddenly; you're outside completely now, and it's brighter than you could've imagined out here. The cage is places on top of something and you look outside the holes. *line_break *line_break To each side of you, there's a window with a strange wall. The window is huge. To the back, you see some kind of place to sit with high backs and something you think is called a tire, but much smaller than what your mother told you about. You turn to look out the cage door, which provides the best view. *line_break The first thing you see is your sister in another strange cage and placed next to you. You can see many other humans outside. you recognize the humans you've been seeing since you were born, but there are some humans that are dressed strangely. They are all wearing the same clothes, with a shiny thing on their shirts and something covering the fur on their heads. They move with purpose and remind you of the stories your mother told you about some humans called "police" that are like guard dogs, but instead they guard humans. She once told you that sometimes they work with dogs. *line_break *line_break A few more dogs are brought out in the strange cages, then suddenly a door swings in front of you and closes right in front of your cage. Then whatever your in, you wonder if it's a fast-cage your mother once mentioned, starts rumbling and you feel yourself moving. You sigh and lay your head down, waiting for something else to happen. *set int +1 *set sight +1 *goto vetoffice #Growl at her You growl threateningly, hoping that would scare her away. You don't know her, but you don't want her here. *set moral %-2 *set fear %-3 *line_break She frowns and says something in a gentle and soothing voice. You catch a few words. "Poor…..scared…..dirty…..vet." *set int +1 *line_break Another human appears, a male, and he pulls out what looks like a small cage. But this one is strange; it's gray with small holes peppered through the sides and a metal cage door on one end. He opens it and places it on the floor. The female puts on some kind of covering on her hands and opens your door. *line_break You cringe back as both her hands reach through and grab you around the middle, but the touch is gentle; you've never felt a touch like this before. She gently lifts you up and places you in the strange cage. *set like %+2 *line_break Another human, one you can't see, picks up the cage suddenly and carries you through the door. They take you past the room where you know your mother was, if she's still there or not you have no idea, and through another door. *line_break You shut your eyes suddenly; you're outside completely now, and it's brighter than you could've imagined out here. The cage is places on top of something and you look outside the holes. *line_break *line_break To each side of you, there's a window with a strange wall. The window is huge. To the back, you see some kind of place to sit with high backs and something you think is called a tire, but much smaller than what your mother told you about. You turn to look out the cage door, which provides the best view. *line_break The first thing you see is your sister in another strange cage and placed next to you. You can see many other humans outside. you recognize the humans you've been seeing since you were born, but there are some humans that are dressed strangely. They are all wearing the same clothes, with a shiny thing on their shirts and something covering the fur on their heads. They move with purpose and remind you of the stories your mother told you about some humans called "police" that are like guard dogs, but instead they guard humans. She once told you that sometimes they work with dogs. *line_break *line_break A few more dogs are brought out in the strange cages, then suddenly a door swings in front of you and closes right in front of your cage. Then whatever your in, you wonder if it's a fast-cage your mother once mentioned, starts rumbling and you feel yourself moving. You sigh and lay your head down, waiting for something else to happen. *set int +1 *set sight +1 *goto vetoffice #Stare at her You stay silent and stare at her, not trusting her. *set vocal %-5 *set like %-2 *line_break She frowns and makes a soothing and gentle sound. You catch a few words. "..puppy…..doesn't know…..dirty….vet." *set int +1 *line_break Another human appears, a male, and he pulls out what looks like a small cage. But this one is strange; it's gray with small holes peppered through the sides and a metal cage door on one end. He opens it and places it on the floor. The female puts on some kind of covering on her hands and opens your door. *line_break You cringe back as both her hands reach through and grab you around the middle, but the touch is gentle; you've never felt a touch like this before. She gently lifts you up and places you in the strange cage. *set like %+2 *line_break Another human, one you can't see, picks up the cage suddenly and carries you through the door. They take you past the room where you know your mother was, if she's still there or not you have no idea, and through another door. *line_break You shut your eyes suddenly; you're outside completely now, and it's brighter than you could've imagined out here. The cage is places on top of something and you look outside the holes. *line_break *line_break To each side of you, there's a window with a strange wall. The window is huge. To the back, you see some kind of place to sit with high backs and something you think is called a tire, but much smaller than what your mother told you about. You turn to look out the cage door, which provides the best view. *line_break The first thing you see is your sister in another strange cage and placed next to you. You can see many other humans outside. you recognize the humans you've been seeing since you were born, but there are some humans that are dressed strangely. They are all wearing the same clothes, with a shiny thing on their shirts and something covering the fur on their heads. They move with purpose and remind you of the stories your mother told you about some humans called "police" that are like guard dogs, but instead they guard humans. She once told you that sometimes they work with dogs. *line_break *line_break A few more dogs are brought out in the strange cages, then suddenly a door swings in front of you and closes right in front of your cage. Then whatever your in, you wonder if it's a fast-cage your mother once mentioned, starts rumbling and you feel yourself moving. You sigh and lay your head down, waiting for something else to happen. *set int +1 *set sight +1 *goto vetoffice #Whine (appeasingly) You whine softly at her. *set vocal %+1 *line_break She smiles, showing her teeth an a non-hostile way, and says something in gentle and soothing way. "It's ok…….fine……dirty…..vet." *set int +1 *line_break Another human appears, a male, and he pulls out what looks like a small cage. But this one is strange; it's gray with small holes peppered through the sides and a metal cage door on one end. He opens it and places it on the floor. The female puts on some kind of covering on her hands and opens your door. *line_break You cringe back as both her hands reach through and grab you around the middle, but the touch is gentle; you've never felt a touch like this before. She gently lifts you up and places you in the strange cage. *set like %+2 *line_break Another human, one you can't see, picks up the cage suddenly and carries you through the door. They take you past the room where you know your mother was, if she's still there or not you have no idea, and through another door. *line_break You shut your eyes suddenly; you're outside completely now, and it's brighter than you could've imagined out here. The cage is places on top of something and you look outside the holes. *line_break *line_break To each side of you, there's a window with a strange wall. The window is huge. To the back, you see some kind of place to sit with high backs and something you think is called a tire, but much smaller than what your mother told you about. You turn to look out the cage door, which provides the best view. *line_break The first thing you see is your sister in another strange cage and placed next to you. You can see many other humans outside. you recognize the humans you've been seeing since you were born, but there are some humans that are dressed strangely. They are all wearing the same clothes, with a shiny thing on their shirts and something covering the fur on their heads. They move with purpose and remind you of the stories your mother told you about some humans called "police" that are like guard dogs, but instead they guard humans. She once told you that sometimes they work with dogs. *line_break *line_break A few more dogs are brought out in the strange cages, then suddenly a door swings in front of you and closes right in front of your cage. Then whatever your in, you wonder if it's a fast-cage your mother once mentioned, starts rumbling and you feel yourself moving. You sigh and lay your head down, waiting for something else to happen. *set int +1 *set sight +1 *goto vetoffice #Greet her You give a friendly sounding bark. *set vocal %+5 *line_break She shows her teeth in a non-hostile way and says something in a very friendly way. "Good…….need some……..dirty…..vet." *set like %+5 *set int +1 *line_break Another human appears, a male, and he pulls out what looks like a small cage. But this one is strange; it's gray with small holes peppered through the sides and a metal cage door on one end. He opens it and places it on the floor. The female puts on some kind of covering on her hands and opens your door. *line_break You cringe back as both her hands reach through and grab you around the middle, but the touch is gentle; you've never felt a touch like this before. She gently lifts you up and places you in the strange cage. *set like %+2 *line_break Another human, one you can't see, picks up the cage suddenly and carries you through the door. They take you past the room where you know your mother was, if she's still there or not you have no idea, and through another door. *line_break You shut your eyes suddenly; you're outside completely now, and it's brighter than you could've imagined out here. The cage is places on top of something and you look outside the holes. *line_break *line_break To each side of you, there's a window with a strange wall. The window is huge. To the back, you see some kind of place to sit with high backs and something you think is called a tire, but much smaller than what your mother told you about. You turn to look out the cage door, which provides the best view. *line_break The first thing you see is your sister in another strange cage and placed next to you. You can see many other humans outside. you recognize the humans you've been seeing since you were born, but there are some humans that are dressed strangely. They are all wearing the same clothes, with a shiny thing on their shirts and something covering the fur on their heads. They move with purpose and remind you of the stories your mother told you about some humans called "police" that are like guard dogs, but instead they guard humans. She once told you that sometimes they work with dogs. *line_break *line_break A few more dogs are brought out in the strange cages, then suddenly a door swings in front of you and closes right in front of your cage. Then whatever your in, you wonder if it's a fast-cage your mother once mentioned, starts rumbling and you feel yourself moving. You sigh and lay your head down, waiting for something else to happen. *set int +1 *set sight +1 *goto vetoffice *label vetoffice *page_break You must have passed out at some point, because when you wake up you're in a different cage. This one is smooth, cold, a shiny grey color, with the only opening in front of you. Outside the opening, you see more cages across from you. Most have other dogs, some of them you recognize from before you came here, but a few have cats. *line_break One of the cats, a tiny black black cat with striking blue eyes, stares at you with their eyes wide. *achieve first *line_break A loud banging sound startles you; you look outside the cage and see a human walking in with a big black dog. He has scars all over his face and short boxy muzzle, his stocky and thickly built body looks strong but the human is leading him along by a leash. *line_break The human takes him to a much larger cage underneath you and out of your sight then suddenly is peering into your cage. You smell that it's a female. She shows her teeth, but doesn't seem aggressive. She uses her hands to open your cage then reaches for you. *choice #Bark aggressively You let out a volley of barks right at her face, but she ignores them! You keep barking as she grabs you and gently places you on the smooth, shiny raised surface in the middle of the room. *set vocal %+10 *set fear %-10 *line_break She turns away and opens up a section in the wall, then turns back. In her hand is something sharp, shiny, and very thin. You let out a fury of more barks but she quickly sticks it in the back of your neck. You hear her speak in a strangely high pitched voice and try to catch a few words. *line_break "It's….fine now…..own……other dogs….." She speaks soothingly and slowly, but it does nothing to stop your now fearful barks. She puts the strange thing away and pets your head before lifting you back up and taking you, not to the cage, but through door that banged earlier and walks with you in her hands by other humans and dogs. *set fear %-2 *line_break Before you can register what's even around you, she sets you inside a very large cage with see-through wire walls, a clean blanket in the corner, and two small bowls. One filled with water, and the other filled with food. You look up as she sets you down and see her close the door behind her as she leaves. *set health 100 *set int +2 *set like %-5 *achieve shelter *goto_scene shelter #Growl You growl at her as fierce as you can, but she ignores you and gently picks you up. She gently places you on the smooth, shiny raised surface in the middle of the room. *set vocal %+5 *set fear %+5 *line_break She turns away and opens up a section in the wall, then turns back. In her hand is something sharp, shiny, and very thin. You growl again but she quickly sticks it in the back of your neck. You hear her speak in a strangely high pitched voice and try to catch a few words *set vocal %+2 *line_break "It's….fine now…..own……other dogs….." She speaks soothingly and slowly, but it does nothing to stop your now fearful barks. She puts the strange thing away and pets your head before lifting you back up and taking you, not to the cage, but through door that banged earlier and walks with you in her hands by other humans and dogs. *set fear %-2 *line_break Before you can register what's even around you, she sets you inside a very large cage with see-through wire walls, a clean blanket in the corner, and two small bowls. One filled with water, and the other filled with food. You look up as she sets you down and see her close the door behind her as she leaves. *set health 100 *set int +2 *set like %-3 *achieve shelter *goto_scene shelter #Just stare You stare at her as she reaches in and gently picks you up. She places you on the smooth, shiny raised surface in the middle of the area, which you dimly remember is called a room. *set vocal %-5 *line_break She turns away and opens up a section in the wall, then turns back. In her hand is something sharp, shiny, and very thin. You watch her silently, then she quickly sticks it in the back of your neck. You hear her speak in a strangely high pitched voice and try to catch a few words *set vocal %-2 *line_break "It's….fine now…..own……other dogs….." She speaks soothingly and slowly, but it does nothing to stop your now fearful barks. She puts the strange thing away and pets your head before lifting you back up and taking you, not to the cage, but through door that banged earlier and walks with you in her hands by other humans and dogs. *set fear %-2 *line_break Before you can register what's even around you, she sets you inside a very large cage with see-through wire walls, a clean blanket in the corner, and two small bowls. One filled with water, and the other filled with food. You look up as she sets you down and see her close the door behind her as she leaves. *set health 100 *set int +2 *achieve shelter *goto_scene shelter #Sniff her You lean forward and sniff her hand as she reaches in. She shows her teeth in the strangely friendly way again and picks you up. Gently placing you on the smooth, shiny raised surface in the middle of the room, she turns to the wall and opens up a small section. As she does that, you think about the scent. She didn't smell like any creature you've ever encountered before the first humans caught you, but she didn't seem hostile at all. *set int +1 *line_break She turns back to you, something in her hand. In her hand is something sharp, shiny, and very thin. You watch her silently, then she quickly sticks it in the back of your neck. You hear her speak in a strangely high pitched voice and try to catch a few words *set vocal %-2 *line_break "It's….fine now…..own……other dogs….." She speaks soothingly and slowly, but it does nothing to stop your now fearful barks. She puts the strange thing away and pets your head before lifting you back up and taking you, not to the cage, but through door that banged earlier and walks with you in her hands by other humans and dogs. *set fear %-2 *line_break Before you can register what's even around you, she sets you inside a very large cage with see-through wire walls, a clean blanket in the corner, and two small bowls. One filled with water, and the other filled with food. You look up as she sets you down and see her close the door behind her as she leaves. *set health 100 *set int +2 *set like %+3 *achieve shelter *goto_scene shelter #Greet her You give a friendly yap, recognizing that she isn't being hostile. With a friendly sound, she picks you up and places you gently on the smooth, shiny raised surface in the middle of the room. *line_break *set like %+2 *set vocal %+2 She turns away and opens up a section in the wall, then turns back. In her hand is something sharp, shiny, and very thin.You watch her silently, then she quickly sticks it in the back of your neck. You hear her speak in a strangely high pitched voice and try to catch a few words. *set vocal %-2 *line_break "It's….fine now…..own……other dogs….." She speaks soothingly and slowly, but it does nothing to stop your now fearful barks. She puts the strange thing away and pets your head before lifting you back up and taking you, not to the cage, but through door that banged earlier and walks with you in her hands by other humans and dogs. *set fear %-2 *line_break Before you can register what's even around you, she sets you inside a very large cage with see-through wire walls, a clean blanket in the corner, and two small bowls. One filled with water, and the other filled with food. You look up as she sets you down and see her close the door behind her as she leaves. *set health 100 *set int +2 *set like %+5 *achieve shelter *goto_scene shelter