*title Honor Bound Prologue *author Harris Powell-Smith *scene_list startup prologue *create implicit_control_flow true *create hb_nameset false *create hb_firstname "" *create hb_surname "" *create hb_rank "" *create hb_title "" *create hb_age 4 *create hb_background 7 *create hb_injury 5 *create fio_they "they" *create fio_them "them" *create fio_their "their" *create fio_theyre "they're" *create fio_were "were" *create fio_pl true *create fio_parent "parent" *create fio_gender 4 *sm_init hb_prologue | 6 Welcome to the playable prologue for [i]Honor Bound,[/i] the upcoming Choice of Games WIP and the fourth game in the Creme de la Creme series. This prologue is not part of the demo, but serves as a short introduction to the new protagonist, their surroundings, and their situation. Check the stats page for content notes. *page_break *goto_scene prologue