*IF not(name="") [b]${name}[/b], [i]${title}[/i] *IF not(skincolor="") *LINE_BREAK A fetching young ${manwoman} with ${skincolor} skin, ${hairlength} ${haircolor} hair, and ${eyecolor} eyes. *IF not(distinction="none") $!{distinction} than average. *LINE_BREAK *LINE_BREAK ---- [b]Stats & Skills[/b] ---- *STAT_CHART opposed_pair social asocial opposed_pair synergy independence *LINE_BREAK ---- [b]Relationships[/b] ---- *IF caylor *STAT_CHART percent dig_caylor Caylor *IF oferi *STAT_CHART percent dig_oferi Oferi *IF art *STAT_CHART percent dig_art Art *IF tekoa *STAT_CHART percent dig_tekoa Tekoa *IF finnur *STAT_CHART percent dig_finnur Finnur *IF kerwain *STAT_CHART percent dig_kerwain Kerwain *IF Lish *STAT_CHART percent dig_lish Lish *IF wyverna *STAT_CHART percent dig_wyverna Wyverna *IF ghinty *STAT_CHART percent dig_ghinty Ghinty *IF eligira *STAT_CHART percent dig_eligira Eligira