*title The Lawless Ones *author Avery Moore *scene_list startup Chapter1 *create Name "Unknown" *create Surname "Unknown" *create Nickname "Unknown" *create Guild "Unknown" *create Tattoo "Unknown" *create Age "Unknown" *create Gender "Unknown" *create Sexuality "Unknown" *create Hero 50 *create Buster 0 *create Tinkerer 0 *create Sleight 0 *create Dodger 0 *create Dagger 0 *create Tongue 0 *create Gold 0 *create Silver 0 *create Copper 0 *create Gadget 0 *create Viper 0 *create Swift 0 *create Hotshot 0 *create Honey 0 *create Wildcard 0 *create Boss 0 *create Celeste 0 *create Bones 0 *create Valeria 0 *create Kane 0 *create Undertaker 0 *create GadgetLife "Unknown" *create ViperLife "Unknown" *create SwiftLife "Unknown" *create HotshotLife "Unknown" *create HoneyLife "Unknown" *create WildcardLife "Unknown" *create BossLife "Unknown" *create CelesteLife "Unknown" *create BonesLife "Unknown" *create ValeriaLife "Unknown" *create KaneLife "Unknown" *create UndertakerLife "Unknown" *create GadgetHistory "Unknown" *create ViperHistory "Unknown" *create SwiftHistory "Unknown" *create HotshotHistory "Unknown" *create HoneyHistory "Unknown" *create WildcardHistory "Unknown" *create BossHistory "Unknown" *create CelesteHistory "Unknown" *create BonesHistory "Unknown" *create ValeriaHistory "Unknown" *create KaneHistory "Unknown" *create GadgetAge "12" *create ViperAge "12" *create SwiftAge "11" *create HotshotAge "16" *create HoneyAge "15" *create WildcardAge "13" *create ValeriaAge "18" *create KaneAge "20" *create UndertakerAge "5" *create Swift_He "he" *create Swift_Him "him" *create Swift_His "his" *create Swift_Boy "boy" *create Stay "unknown" *create Leave "unknown" *create Stay_He "unknown" *create Stay_Him "unknown" *create Stay_His "unknown" *create Leave_He "unknown" *create Leave_Him "unknown" *create Leave_His "unknown" *create Casualty_He "unknown" *create Casualty_Him "unknown" *create Casualty_His "unknown" *create Casualty_Boy "unknown" *create Undertaker_Name "unknown" *create Undertaker_He "unknown" *create Undertaker_Him "unknown" *create Undertaker_His "unknown" *create Undertaker_Boy "unknown" *create Lover_He "unknown" *create Lover_Him "unknown" *create Lover_His "unknown" *create Person "unknown" *create People "unknown" *create Lady "unknown" *create Mx "unknown" *create Master "unknown" *create Son "unknown" *create Kid "unknown" *create Child "unknown" *create Children "unknown" *create They "unknown" *create Their "unknown" *create Them "unknown" *create Em "unknown" *create Theirs "unknown" *create Theyre "unknown" *create Are "unknown" *create Were "unknown" *create Theyve "unknown" *create Have "unknown" *create S "unknown" *create Es "unknown" *create Bastard "unknown" *create Gorgeous "unknown" *create Chiene "unknown" *create Piccuene "unknown" *create Bellmose "unknown" *create Fije "unknown" *create Origin "Unknown" *create Casualty "Unknown" *create Lover "None" *create Lovers 0 *create Literate "Unknown" *create Like_Men "Unknown" *create Like_Women "Unknown" *create Chapter 0 *create Save 0 *create HeroSave1 0 *create BusterSave1 0 *create TinkererSave1 0 *create SleightSave1 0 *create DodgerSave1 0 *create DaggerSave1 0 *create TongueSave1 0 *create GoldSave1 0 *create SilverSave1 0 *create CopperSave1 0 *create GadgetSave1 0 *create ViperSave1 0 *create SwiftSave1 0 *create HotshotSave1 0 *create HoneySave1 0 *create WildcardSave1 0 *create BossSave1 0 *create CelesteSave1 0 *create BonesSave1 0 *create HeroSave2 0 *create BusterSave2 0 *create TinkererSave2 0 *create SleightSave2 0 *create DodgerSave2 0 *create DaggerSave2 0 *create TongueSave2 0 *create GoldSave2 0 *create SilverSave2 0 *create CopperSave2 0 *create GadgetSave2 0 *create ViperSave2 0 *create SwiftSave2 0 *create HotshotSave2 0 *create HoneySave2 0 *create WildcardSave2 0 *create BossSave2 0 *create CelesteSave2 0 *create BonesSave2 0 *create ValeriaSave2 0 *create KaneSave2 0 *create GadgetLifeSave2 "Unknown" *create ViperLifeSave2 "Unknown" *create SwiftLifeSave2 "Unknown" *create HotshotLifeSave2 "Unknown" *create HoneyLifeSave2 "Unknown" *create WildcardLifeSave2 "Unknown" *create GadgetHistorySave2 "Unknown" *create ViperHistorySave2 "Unknown" *create SwiftHistorySave2 "Unknown" *create HotshotHistorySave2 "Unknown" *create HoneyHistorySave2 "Unknown" *create WildcardHistorySave2 "Unknown" *create Swift_HeSave2 "unknown" *create Swift_HimSave2 "unknown" *create Swift_HisSave2 "unknown" *create Swift_BoySave2 "unknown" *create LoverSave2 "Unknown" *create LoversSave2 0 *achievement gold visible 10 Good as Gold Respect your elders in early childhood. You were such a well behaved child. *achievement aristocrat visible 5 Silver Spoon Complete the Aristocrat origin story. Completed the Aristocrat origin story. *achievement peasant visible 5 Ultimate Cliché Complete the Peasant origin story. Completed the Peasant origin story. *achievement slave visible 5 Runaway Complete the Slave origin story. Completed the Slave origin story. *achievement monk visible 5 Shadow Warrior Complete the Monk origin story. Completed the Monk origin story. *achievement criminal visible 5 Trouble Maker Complete the Criminal origin story. Completed the Criminal origin story. *achievement wolf visible 5 Lone Wolf Complete the Wolf origin story. Complete the Wolf origin story. *achievement origin visible 30 Storyteller Complete all six origin stories. Completed all six origin stories. *achievement death visible 10 An Early Grave Die before you even have a chance to live. Your story ended before it even began. *achievement streetwise visible 5 Streetwise Swindler Go on a job with Swift and Wildcard. Went on a job with Swift and Wildcard. *achievement thriving visible 5 Thriving Thief Go on a job with Viper and Gadget. Went on a job with Viper and Gadget. *achievement confident visible 5 Confident Collector Go on a job with Hotshot and Honey. Went on a job with Hotshot and Honey. *achievement humanitarian visible 5 Humanitarian Obtain some tranquilliser guns for the guild. Obtained some tranquilliser guns for the guild. *achievement overkill visible 5 Overkill Obtain some grenades for the guild. Obtained some grenades for the guild. *achievement tale visible 10 Tall Tale Impress your friends with a far-fetched story. You impressed your friends with a far-fetched story. *achievement twinkle visible 10 Twinkle Toes Blow everyone away with your dancing skills. You blew everyone away with your dancing skills. *achievement luck visible 10 Beginner’s Luck Win the most money possible from a poker match. You won the most money possible from a poker match. *achievement hard visible 10 Hard as Nails Beat Hotshot fair and square in an arm-wrestle. You beat Hotshot fair and square in an arm-wrestle. *achievement revenge visible 20 A Dish Best Served Cold Take revenge on an old enemy. Took revenge on an old enemy. *achievement hotshot visible 10 Struggle for Survival Discover the secrets of Hotshot’s past. You discovered the secrets of Hotshot’s past. *achievement swift visible 10 A Well Kept Secret Discover the secrets of Swift’s past. You discovered the secrets of Swift’s past. *achievement viper visible 10 Dark Heart, Dark Past Discover the secrets of Viper’s past. You discovered the secrets of Viper’s past. *achievement gadget visible 10 Experiment Failed Discover the secrets of Gadget’s past. You discovered the secrets of Gadget’s past. *achievement honey visible 10 Woman of the World Discover the secrets of Honey’s past. You discovered the secrets of Honey’s past. *achievement wildcard visible 10 A Family Matter Discover the secrets of Wildcard’s past. You discovered the secrets of Wildcard’s past. *achievement secrets visible 30 A Friend Indeed Learn the most intimate secrets of all six of your friends. You have learned the most intimate secrets of all six of your friends. *achievement jail visible 5 Jailbird Get held up in the Brass Haven prison. It looks like you’ll be staying in prison a little longer than you planned. *achievement undertaker visible 20 Dangerous Love Get involved in a relationship with a rival gang member. You have embarked on a rather risky relationship. *achievement tip visible 10 A Job Well Done Receive a tip for all your hard work. Bones gave you a tip for all your hard work. *achievement drugs visible 5 Say No to Drugs Don’t give in to peer pressure. A friend in deed won’t make you smoke weed. *achievement bonus visible 20 Annual Bonus Receive a generous bonus from The Boss. The Boss gave you three gears for all your hard work. *achievement gift visible 20 A Special Reward Receive a rather personal gift from Celeste. Celeste has set you up with a present to show her appreciation. *achievement prostitute visible 10 One Night Only Spend an evening with a lover for hire. You received some excellent customer service. *achievement mission visible 5 Mission Failed Get yourself killed in the middle of a mission. You got yourself killed, trying to get your hands on a bulletproof jacket. *achievement jack visible 30 Jack of all Trades Complete the break-in without asking any of your companions for help. You single-handedly stole a bulletproof vest from under the noses of the Monarch’s guard. *achievement pacifist visible 10 Pacifist Escape the factory without anyone getting hurt. You spared an officer of the Monarch’s guard. *achievement shoot visible 10 Shoot to Kill Shoot down an officer of the Monarch’s guard. You killed an officer of the Monarch’s guard in cold blood. *achievement goodbye visible 20 A Hard Goodbye Say goodbye to a friend. You lost someone very close to you. *achievement betrayed visible 5 Stabbed in the Back Suffer an unexpected death. You were betrayed by someone you thought you could trust. *achievement massacre visible 10 Massacre Wipe an entire guild off the face of the bowl. The Undertakers are no more. *achievement merciful visible 5 Merciful Soul Show mercy, even when none is expected. You spared the life of a traitor. *achievement wrath visible 5 Heart of Wrath Take vengeance on a traitorous enemy. You killed an old ally that dared to betray you. *achievement child visible 10 A Life in Your Hands Take a young child under your wing. For better or worse, this child depends on you now. *achievement heart visible 20 Heart of Gold Have a romantic relationship with Honey. You and Honey are madly in love. *achievement fight visible 20 Fight for Love Have a romantic relationship with Hotshot. You and Hotshot are madly in love. *achievement toxic visible 20 Toxic Relationship Have a romantic relationship with Viper. You and Viper are madly in love. *achievement ace visible 20 Ace of Hearts Have a romantic relationship with Wildcard. You and Wildcard are madly in love. *achievement inescapable visible 20 Inescapable Love Have a romantic relationship with Swift. You and Swift are madly in love. *achievement machine visible 20 Love Machine Have a romantic relationship with Gadget. You and Gadget are madly in love. *achievement breaker visible 5 Heart Breaker Play a cruel game with someone’s heart. You pretended to love someone, just for a joke. *achievement casanova visible 20 Casanova Have three different lovers throughout the game. You certainly are a charmer. *achievement young visible 20 Young, Free and Single Have no lovers throughout the entire game. You don’t need another half to make you whole. *achievement loyal visible 10 Loyal Servant Side with The Boss in the final confrontation. You told The Boss of Celeste’s treacherous plan. *achievement ambitious visible 10 Ambitious Underling Side with Celeste in the final confrontation. You murdered The Boss with the poison Celeste gave you. *achievement possessed visible 5 Possessed Lose your mind… Literally. Your mind and your soul have been taken over by the leech. *achievement sacrifice visible 5 Ultimate Sacrifice Sacrifice your own life to save the guild. You killed the leech, and lost your own life doing so. *achievement hunter visible 30 Monster Hunter Rid the guild of the leech, once and for all. You killed Celeste and the monster that possessed her body. *achievement parent visible 20 Parent of the Year Leave a lasting impression on your child. You have left a lasting impression on your child. *achievement knighthood visible 50 Knighthood Achieve the Lawful Good ending. You have achieved the Lawful Good ending. *achievement revolution visible 50 Revolution Achieve the Chaotic Good ending. You have achieved the Chaotic Good ending. *achievement escape visible 50 Escape Achieve the Lawful Neutral ending. You have achieved the Lawful Neutral ending. *achievement parole visible 50 Parole Achieve the Chaotic Neutral ending. You have achieved the Chaotic Neutral ending. *achievement retirement visible 50 Retirement Achieve the Lawful Evil ending. You have achieved the Lawful Evil ending. *achievement retribution visible 50 Retribution Achieve the Chaotic Evil ending. You have achieved the Chaotic Evil ending. *sm_init thelawlessones | 3 The age of magic is dying. The age of science has only begun. In Brass Haven, airships fly overhead, cybernetic body enhancements are becoming a fashion trend, and cogs, gears and sprockets make the world go round. But what was meant to be the land of opportunity turns out to be the most dangerous, corrupt and poverty-stricken slum in all the kingdom. Your only chance for survival… To join forces with the most notorious criminal guild in the city. [i]The Lawless Ones[/i] is a 250,000 word interactive steampunk adventure novel by Avery Moore, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fuelled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination. Fight beside thieves and villains in the ultimate struggle for survival. Pick pockets, rob houses, negotiate trades with rival guilds and even steal valuable new technology from the Monarch’s guard itself. Will you become the greatest criminal mastermind the kingdom has ever seen, or can you turn a guild of infamous outlaws into a force for good? • Play as male, female, transgender or non-binary. Gay, straight, bi or asexual. *line_break • Grow from a naive child, to a savvy and streetwise adult. *line_break • Find friendship, rivalry or love with a thief, a con man, a fighter, a courtesan, an inventor and an assassin. *line_break • Solve the mystery of a deadly creature that has been slaughtering the children of your organisation. *line_break • Outwit, outrun, outmanoeuvre, outfight and outlive anyone who gets in your way. *line_break • Choose from six different origin stories and discover six possible epilogues throughout the game. *line_break • Terrorise the streets of Brass Haven, or use your influence to make the city a better place. *finish