*title Evidence list test *author armadillidium *scene_list startup *create HP 100 *create object "none" *comment Evidence *create chloral false *create letter false *comment Profiles *temp talk3 0 *temp wrong_rand 1 *rand wrong_rand 1 4 *comment ========== ========== ========== SCENE ========== ========== ========== You arrive at the shack. "Dominus Seabrook!" Sheriff Jack Grosvenor cries. "You're here." "Suspected vampire attack, is it?" "That’s what we wanted you to investigate, Dominus. We left everything in his shack as is. Take a look at things, then come talk to me.” *label main You are in the shack. *choice #Talk with Grosvenor. *goto talk #Examine the shack. *goto examine #Examine the victim. [i]Not implemented yet.[/i] *goto main *comment ========== ========== ========== SCENE EXAMINE ========== ========== ========== *label examine *page_break It’s a one-room shack. *choice *if (not (chloral)) #[b]Bed[/b] *goto bed *if (chloral) #Bed *goto bed *if (not (letter)) #[b]Table[/b] *goto table *if (letter) #Table *goto table #Go back. *goto main *label bed There is a sleeping woman on the bed. “Who’s this, Sheriff?” "The wife. She's out cold. Little point trying to ask her." He's right, she is unconscious. There is a bottle of something beside the bed. "100 Chloral Hydrate tablets, 10 grains each," reading the label. "There seems to be half left." *if not (chloral) *set chloral true [i][b]Chloral[/b] added to evidence.[/i] *line_break [i]A bottle of chloral. Half of it has been taken.[/i] *goto examine *else *goto examine *label table There's an opened letter. You pick it up and there is a bent silver penny under it. "This letter says her son died." *if not (letter) *set letter true [i][b]Letter[/b] added to evidence.[/i] *line_break [i]This says her son died.[/i] *goto examine *else *goto examine *comment ========== ========== ========== SCENE TALK ========== ========== ========== *label talk *page_break Grosvenor has some info for you. *choice *if (talk3 = 0) #[b]Witnesses[/b] *goto talk3 *if (talk3 = 1) #Witnesses (!) *goto talk3 *if (talk3 = 2) #Witnesses "Time to talk to the apothecary." *goto talk #Go back. *goto main *label talk1 *set talk1 true "" *goto talk *label talk2 *set talk2 true the dead man *label talk3 *set talk3 true "Any witnesses?" "Maybe the wife. Maybe. But she’s out cold, and I can’t wake her. Strange smell on her breath. Sickly sweet. Might be drugged.” *choice #Show evidence "I think I know what she took." *gosub accuse *if (object = "chloral") *set talk3 2 "There’s a bottle of chloral by her bed. Half empty.” Grosvenor serious. "We better call the apothecary." *goto finish *elseif (object = "none") I don't have evidence. *goto talk *else "That's not related." *gosub wrong *goto talk #Force "Seriously? You clearly didn’t try hard enough, I will wake her up myself, then!" You shake the sleeping woman. It has no effect. "Hey, what are you doing? I said she’s drugged, you're not helping by doing that!” *gosub wrong *goto talk #Truth "I think we should stop dallying on this. This is a moot point." "Really? Don’t you think we should figure this out?" *gosub wrong *goto talk #I'll come back to this later. *goto talk *comment ========== ========== ========== ACCUSE ========== ========== ========== *label accuse *choice *if (chloral) #Chloral *set object "chloral" *return *if (letter) #Letter *set object "letter" *return #No evidence. *set object "none" *return *comment ========== ========== ========== WRONG ========== ========== ========== *label wrong *set HP -20 *if (HP = 0) *goto death *else *if wrong_rand = 1 [i]Damn! That wasn't it.[/i] *goto live *if wrong_rand = 2 [i]I was mistaken?[/i] *goto live *if wrong_rand = 3 [i]I have to calm down and think rationally![/i] *goto live *if wrong_rand = 4 [i]Oops, I need to pay more attention.[/i] *goto live *label live *page_break *rand wrong_rand 1 4 *return *label death *page_break "This has been more time than it's worth." Game over. *finish *label finish *finish ✓