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aliens alternate_history crime fantasy genderlocked_male grim pirates romanceable_bisexual_npc romanceable_gay_npc romanceable_heterosexual_npc trigger_warnings uplifting war young_adult

by sakin

Long time ago, The Sky created angels demons and their abode, heaven and hell. The sky didn't forget to make the universe the stars and planets including the earth. When all galaxies, planets and stars have their own representative, why not Earth?
alternate_history exclusive_straight_romance fantasy genderlocked_female genderlocked_male genderlocked_nonbinary genderlocked_transgender horror magic monsters pc_can_be_female pc_can_be_male pc_can_be_nonbinary pc_can_be_transgender romance romanceable_asexual_npc romanceable_bisexual_npc romanceable_gay_npc romanceable_heterosexual_npc romanceable_non-binary_npc science_fiction trigger_warnings young_adult

by ashmaez

An interactive Fiction about your character, who lost their parents at a young age, dedicating their life to work for the intelligence of The Company. Once you show signs of magic, they throw you into the field where you must work with your team to t

by bizimo

A game about school in a medieval setting. You are not the main charatcer in the high-stake Plot and experience a story in the view of a person in the life of the MCs
alternate_history historical military no_explicit_violence politics preset_protagonist real_life

by ahunter

A game playing through the 895 days of the Ford Administration as a Non-Entity General affecting the decisions and laws passed.

by celius

Take control as a Crusader under the Pope. Take part in wars and face an identity crisis.

by marvelfreak3000

You were kidnapped from your parents, the Royal family when you were just a baby. When you find out the truth of who you really are, will you return with peace in your heart or will you usurp the throne from your father using violence?
fantasy genderlocked_female preset_protagonist

by xionide

The Night of the Winter Star—a celebration of of the Winter Star and the Goddess, Maribelle. However, things become dicey when a woman you've never met accuses you of sending death threats.

by amer1canch13f117

Your people are blood sworn to protect the planet from all threats. Your people once had the numbers to do so with ease. But your people were betrayed, and now with a serious threat on the horizon you and your kin need to prepare.
lighthearted no_explicit_violence pc_can_be_female pc_can_be_male pc_can_be_nonbinary pc_can_be_transgender real_life romance uplifting warm-hearted

by beetle-beth

This slice-of-life romance IF follows your 24-year-old post-university MC as they work through trying to get your science-based video start-up off the ground for good. This is a largely character-driven and focused game which I'm hoping people will f
crime military pc_can_be_nonbinary science_fiction series trigger_warnings

by snnacre

It's been five years since your brother died and now his murderers are after you. One day, you encounter a group that is after the same goal as you: freedom. But can you trust them?
crime grim horror romance

by jaymaymee

Fifteen guests, a beautiful manor, a raging storm. Two killers hidden in their midst. A whodunnit (or more of a whydunnit) tale with a twist featuring none other than yourself in the starring role of the killer. Also starring the Colleague, the Help
detailed_world-building fantasy grim horror lore_rich_world magic medieval monsters mythology pc_can_be_female pc_can_be_male pc_can_be_nonbinary pc_can_be_nonhuman romance romanceable_asexual_npc romanceable_bisexual_npc trigger_warnings

by holtzmann

In this game you assume the control of a powerful deity that was betrayed by their fellow gods. Imprisoned, against your will, for all eternity you had a long time to plan your revenge.
fantasy monsters mythology vampires

by sleepywriter0w0

One day your parents adopt another kid. After a few days living with her, you realize something is wrong.
grim horror science_fiction superheroes trigger_warnings

by phantom

--The Berserker Project-- The last hope for a world on the verge of a genocide of the metahuman population.
comedy detailed_world-building fantasy lore_rich_world magic pc_can_be_female pc_can_be_male romance trigger_warnings young_adult

by decrypteddev

You don't know how you got there, but one day you wake up in a prison, ridden of most of your memories from the life you led before. One day, a group of individuals decide to change that.

by aj

You never realised how quickly, or how much, life could change. You were just an average teen, trying to survive as an orphan. But one night something inside you awakens; your reality is shattered. And, for better or worse, you are now an Elemental.
future no_sexual_content pc_can_be_female pc_can_be_male

by hopefullysimple

You're a lone wanderer trying to live out your days in the wake of humanity's downfall. But sadly life has other plans for you.

by castiel

soccer life : stepping in the shoes if a moder day soccer star
alternate_history detailed_world-building fantasy magic non-western_culture romance

by ohmyvalar

Welcome to the Land of the Dragon! Here you shall experience an adventure in an ancient land, navigate court politics, forge friendships, meet the magical community, face an uprising - and pursue romance if you so choose!

by sakin

In this Alpha /Omega game, you play as little sibling who life and well protected by alpha big brother. Can be incest and 18+
aliens future lore_rich_world pc_can_be_female pc_can_be_male pc_can_be_nonbinary pc_can_be_transgender philosophical politics romance science_fiction war

by evan3michaels

Work In Progress. Demo Only.

by kazukisenn

A simple, slice-of-life tale told amongst friends.
child_friendly non-western_culture real_life

by shiva

by Shifa Thapa

by samfisher

Zombie outbreak settting in 17th century
pc_can_be_female pc_can_be_male pc_can_be_nonbinary romance romanceable_bisexual_npc romanceable_non-binary_npc school

by ohlordgugu

In this game heavily inspired by Mean girls, Heathers and Clueless, YOU are the most popular person in school! When a new student joins and is initiated into your clique, odd occurrences start happening in school and it's up to you to solve them!
crime grim horror monsters pc_can_be_female pc_can_be_male real_life serious

by osovono

Thirty-three years ago the Loring family vanished from there home. After an extensive search, none of them were ever found. Now, after all these years, you're roped into a helping an amateur investigation looking into what happened.
alternate_history fantasy no_sexual_content trigger_warnings young_adult

by sarasantana07

This game is a game of choices, a flow story with each part and each choice changing the course. We'll see if you can change the faith of the characters.
fantasy grim horror monsters pc_can_be_male pc_can_be_nonhuman romance trigger_warnings zombies

by tipofmytongue

A world of dark Evil and bright Good, everything is so clear. Until the Gods get bored and bring chaos into the equation.
child_friendly crime exclusive_gay_romance exclusive_straight_romance future

by basoz-

I don't know yet

by chauceryfairytales

Into the Monster's Belly is a simple interactive short story. Play as a kid in a summer vacation adventure, facing a scary grove and the monster imprisoned within it.
alternate_history fantasy magic mythology romance school surreal trigger_warnings vampires young_adult

by gh0stlyhen

just a test game nothing serious yet :D
animal_protagonist fantasy magic pc_can_be_female pc_can_be_male pc_can_be_nonhuman romanceable_bisexual_npc romanceable_gay_npc romanceable_heterosexual_npc trigger_warnings

by respawntheory

You're a familiar. This is a prologue. Fox and Damselfly available.
detailed_world-building fantasy lore_rich_world magic monsters pc_can_be_female pc_can_be_male pc_can_be_nonhuman romance romanceable_bisexual_npc romanceable_gay_npc romanceable_heterosexual_npc war young_adult

by superweaboobros

After pestering you for a long time, your best friend finally got you to go on a backpacking trip, just you and him. Along the way the two of you stumble into something that will change your lives forever.
fantasy horror lore_rich_world magic monsters pc_can_be_female pc_can_be_male pc_can_be_nonbinary pc_can_be_nonhuman pc_can_be_transgender romance romanceable_asexual_npc romanceable_bisexual_npc romanceable_gender-fluid_npc romanceable_heterosexual_npc school science_fiction steampunk surreal trigger_warnings young_adult

by angelim00n

Rational is to Irrational as Irrational is to Rational. Then Rational is to Rational as Irrational is to Irrational, and Positives are to Negative as Negative to Compromise; This way, that, here, over there, which way is true and what way leads fair?
magic pc_can_be_female pc_can_be_male romance vampires war

by stephenolamidexgmailcom

The vampire nation Does not want the wolf to exist so they decided a war is the solution
aliens preset_protagonist science_fiction superheroes young_adult

by jonahgreye

Manny is seemingly killed in an accident when he and his bestfriend decide to leave camp without permission. He comes back from the dead to a new reality that he must get used to. Unknown to him, he is the host of an alien symbiote. The future is abo
aliens detailed_world-building lore_rich_world military pc_can_be_female pc_can_be_male pc_can_be_nonbinary pc_can_be_transgender romance romanceable_bisexual_npc romanceable_gay_npc romanceable_heterosexual_npc science_fiction space_opera

by gabrielleerudessa

For ten years you worked in the job of your dreams. Now your life stopped having value - only what you know is important, and your past employers will do everything to get it. Now keep yourself alive. Don't worry, you'll have help.
comedy fantasy medieval pc_can_be_female pc_can_be_male pc_can_be_nonbinary pc_can_be_nonhuman pc_can_be_transgender trigger_warnings

by NOT_A_USER_frosty3x

A rebirth to my first attempt at creating a hosted game. This is far from what old players may remember, and for new ones, you won't need to have played the old one to follow it.
fantasy lore_rich_world magic pc_can_be_female pc_can_be_male pc_can_be_nonbinary romance romanceable_bisexual_npc romanceable_gay_npc romanceable_non-binary_npc trigger_warnings

by tessacrowley

Your life in the sleepy port town of Tremerine is upended when you wake up at three o'clock in the morning and the sun is still in the sky. King Nox, the only man in the world who can bring nightfall, is dead... and you are his only living heir.
romance trigger_warnings

by lelizwrites

A game about a young woman trying to make it in LA with nothing but her charms and good looks. Will she become the mistress of a CFO, or trudge back home in shame?
detailed_world-building fantasy lore_rich_world magic monsters mythology pc_can_be_female pc_can_be_male pc_can_be_nonbinary romance series trigger_warnings young_adult

by starfoxed

Going home was supposed to be a comfort, yeah that didn't happen. Now dragged into a world you didn't know existed, can you survive or will the chaos consume you?
detailed_world-building fantasy pc_can_be_female pc_can_be_male pc_can_be_nonbinary

by xionide

You play as a brand new guild master. You manage resources, members, and are called to action when emergencies arise. As the guild master, you can take on quests and commissions or just do your own business.
16761 Members | 1733 Public Games | 18 Downloadable Games | 8133 Games Total
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